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The gerber's blog

Posts 28 posts

Survivor Samoa Episode 4 Blog Oct 8, 2009
imageThis episode was better than the past few for me.  They finally put some attention on Galu for a change.  Dave got some time as well as John and Erik.  Erik is smart for working Shambo and figuring out where the idol was.  He should pretend that he doesn't have it and keep bugging Shambo about finding it so that she thinks he hasn't found it yet.  The reward challenge was very different and refreshing.  I would have liked it if it wasn't a challenge that they both needed to do.  It would have been better the way they thought it was....Russell breaking the silence and running over to the crate to do a challenge for the chickens in a race with the other tribe.  Shambo thinks she's playing but she needs to do better.  I would have like to see the pointless females that look exactly alike to go(monica and laura) instead of Yasmin.  Nice to see Foa Foa win one!
Points: 2 2 comments
Comcast is trying to buy NBC! Oct 2, 2009

Comcast wants to buy NBC holding 51% of the shares.  This leaves Comcast as a broadcasting Titan.  If they keep this process of buying and not selling, they'll lose money, but could eventually be the only remaining company with no economic competition.  That would create an opening for a Universal domination of Comcast, which the government could then control what we see or hear.  This needs to gain attention because of the government checks and balances, and also the laissez faire model of government staying out of private business and the need for compettition in a market.  or maybe im just delusional... any thoughts???
Points: 1 0 comments
Survivor Samoa Episode 3 Blog Oct 1, 2009
imageAnother good episode of the Russell i mean Survivor.  I don't care how much attention he gets.  He's the one providing the entertainment, and besides, the other castaways'll get their day.  But still, 3 episodes in, and we still have no idea who Brett is or Monica or a bunch of other shmucks over there at Galu.  Strange.  I also miss the survival aspect of survivor.  All we know is that Foa Foa eats lizards ocassionaly, and we don't know what Galu eats.  I think i may know what the big bang is gonna be from Russell.  He has the hidden immunity idol, but i have a feeling it's only meant for a person on Galu, and the one at Galu is only allowed for someone at Foa Foa.  When Russell goes to play it, Jeff'll tell him that he is inelible to use it.  Maybe not who knows yet?  Why Foa Foa hasn't gotten rid of Natalie yet, I have no idea.  The challenge this time could have been better.  I would like a reward challenge and an immunity challenge not combined in one.  Haha
Points: 19 3 comments
Survivor Samoa Episode 2 Blog Sep 24, 2009
imageAnother good episode of Survivor Samoa!  As I stated in my episode 1 blog, i think that the producers are putting attention on Russel for a specific reason, yet to be determined.  I think it's impossible for him to win because of the attention he's getting.  I think he'll be in the final 6 or 5 though.  I couldn't believe Yasmin's stupidity when she came over to Foa Foa.  That's why the producers need to go back to accepting more people who applied instead of finding people for the show.  These people don't know what they're doing.  There's still a bunch of people that we haven't heard from much, which could be done on purpose.  Mike would have been voted out anyway if he hadn't been evacuated, leaving Betsy safe for another episode.  She may have been able to convince more people to vote Ben off with more time on the island.  But we'll never know.  I can't believe Natalie's name wasn't tossed around even a little bit in the first two episodes.  I think she's much weaker than Ashley, and she got targeted as weak.  Mick's days as leader of Foa Foa might soon be over if he doesn't start acting like the leader.  But if Russell is smart, he'll keep Mick as the leader because he will become a goat. I think this is the first time that Jeff Probst appeared in the opening of the show, which was a little strange.  Can't wait for next week.
Points: 7 1 comments
The Philadelphia Phillies Sep 22, 2009
imageFor you baseball fans out there on tengaged, and philly fans....The season is winding down and most of the divisions are wrapped up, with the exception of the AL Central.  The Phillies will more than likely win the NL East.  That means that the four playoff teams from the National League will be the Phillies, Dodgers, Rockies, and Cardinals.  The team that scares the crap out of me is the Cardinals.  I do not want to play them, especially in the first round.  However, with this Phillies lineup playing at their best, i don't think anyone could beat them.  My World Series prediction:  Yankees vs. Cardinals/Phillies.
Points: 21 5 comments
Survivor Samoa Episode 1 Blog Sep 20, 2009
imageRatings down a little bit, but I enjoyed this first episode.  Seems like a great cast with memorable characters unlike some other seasons.  Producers/writers obviously gave Russell a lot of face time because they want us to feel a certain way about him before he wins/gets eliminated/does something crazy.  I think someone to watch out for would be Brett.  Hopefully, this will be a great season.
Points: 13 2 comments