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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Oct 3, 2012 by firecharm7
My step mom is completely idiotic. I loaded the dishwasher, washed the pots and pans, cleaned the stove top, counter and sinks. I made sure I took the trash out. I cleaned both bathrooms in the house from top to bottom. (The tub, sink, toilet; etc.) I picked up my room, everything was magaziene neat, my laundry was done, folded, and so was hers. I did all of this, just to go to a friends house, after work. What do I get? A call after work, telling me to come home. I come home, and get my phone (I pay for), laptop (school laptop they give us for the year) and ipod (paid for myself) just because I left the door of the dish washer open. UGH!


That's harsh :(
Sent by Jacob_96,Oct 3, 2012
Sent by Squirrels1666,Oct 3, 2012
I'm 16, and I pay half the bills in our four bedroom house, and help my dad as much as I can. She sits on her butt, all day ever day. While my dad still works to keep the house over our heads. He's got cancer, and  fibromyalgia. I hate her with a passion. I keep my grades at a C average, and I'm working every extra minute I've got...
Sent by firecharm7,Oct 3, 2012
read it ily! ;D
Sent by dylansthebest,Oct 3, 2012

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