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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jan 15, 2009 by dinamitekid
has anyone every wonder what people look like in  real life and what there real name is it could be someone totaly different and peopl who arn't who they say they are they could be someone like a nerd or popstar who is in descize

football is clearly the better sport better then all the sport and the most popular sport

wonder who gonna win the premier league but the champions league clearly the better cup but the spurs are going down

add your msn on hear and talk to hundred of people and make some new freind


hi hope u vote for me
Sent by dinamitekid,Jan 15, 2009
that so cool
Sent by dinamitekid,Jan 15, 2009
the best blog
Sent by dinamitekid,Jan 15, 2009
lol - you are crazy!
Sent by knixuk,Jan 15, 2009
++ plussage :]
Sent by AshleyPereira,Jan 15, 2009
jay u dumbo
Sent by naeem,Jan 24, 2009

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