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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Right Vs. Wrong

Jan 13, 2011 by dannyjr0587
Ive always went into every game on here with the notion that whatever happens, its a game.

But in the case of this particular game
I am pissed, betrayed, and irate.


A.) you should not be nomming them even as pawns until it gets down toward the end game, and figure something out then, or if the person is ok with being the pawn.

B.) if you join a game with a premade and decide you wanna jump ship, fine whatever but at least admit it you coward. Johnny and I got negged that whole game.

C.) Why in the hell were Johnny and I put up by your Aussie bro? makes me think there was another side deal going on... Oh wait there was.

D.) Sandy basically gave away i wasnt even part of the alliance by adding mono instead of me in a public post :O...

So for the first time in any of my rookies game Im not voting. Along with 3 others. <3ing being a bitter jury member!

Anyways.. Sorry if Ive offened anyone.. Ive slept about 20 hours since Saturday, worked 50... Very tired and cranky...

Im sure Imma get ragenegged but its cool letting out frustrations :)

Shout outs to:
David aka Dav_o_79
Danny aka Gucci
Jenna aka Jenika
Johnny aka Dropkick
Sd66... i dont remember your real name
Steven aka Charming
for a great 50th game last night <3 you guys!


Loves you, babe!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333
Sent by dav_o_79,Jan 13, 2011
I like how you think :)
Sent by NexusCain,Jan 13, 2011
i love you man! sorry about this messed up game! me and you got basically negged every comment we wrote :S. Im sorry that me and you were put up together that was pretty messed up to. People seem to care more about t money then friendships :(. +11 :D
Sent by DropkickMurphysfan,Jan 13, 2011
danny, i joined the game cuz Ezza asked me to. i did what he told me to the entire game. sorry it was at your expense. u can never talk to me again, but honestly, i look at these as games. plus Ezza is part of homos and he asked me to join, therefore he gets my 100% loyalty.
Sent by sandizzle,Jan 13, 2011
I did nothing wrong i never nommed you or evicted you so whatever!
Sent by sakwilla,Jan 13, 2011

Sent by sd66,Jan 13, 2011
Thanks for plussing my blog and congrats on ur 50th game. I hope mine goes well too
Sent by Buechley,Jan 13, 2011
Sent by is2gucci,Jan 13, 2011

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