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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother: Continent Edition

Aug 31, 2010 by cyberdestruction1
This is big brother: continental edition ...blah blah blah... These are the 7 continents: All of the continents are part of alliances. Twists will occur throughout the weeks.

Americas: North America
          South America
Eurasia:  Europe
Aquice:   Oceania
Africa:   Africa

Week 1
Since, Africa does not have a partner, it will be the first HOW.
HOW: Africa
South America separated from Africa years ago and it still holds a grudge.
Nominee 1: South America
Nominee 2: North America
North America blows up Asia to win veto.
Nominee 1: South America
Oceania also left Africa.
Nominee 2 (changed): Oceania
North America: Oceania
Antarctica: South America
Asia is still angry at North America for blowing it up.
Asia: South America
Europe: South America
By a vote of 3-1 South America is evicted from continentals.

Week 2
Africa can not be HOW again. The continents all decide to get rid of the place where no one lives, Antarctica. Then they realize that no one lives in most regions of Asia also. Europe and North America continue to argue until Oceania sneaks in and wins HOW.
HOW: Oceania
Oceania has been finding Europe and North America's fighting annoying.
Nominee 1: Europe
Nominee 2: North America
Europe and North America continue to fight while Asia wins POV. Asia uses POV on teammate, Europe.
Nominee 1: North America
Antarctica is Oceania's teammate, Europe is safe, Asia is safe and so Africa is only one left.
Nominee 2 (changed): Africa
Europe: North America
Antarctica: North America
Asia: North America
By a vote of 3-0 North America is evicted from continentals.

World's choice:
YOU get the choice, which continent do YOU want to return to continentals?
1. South America
2. North America
3. The next continent eliminated

Just post in the comments which continent YOU want to return to the game.

Well no one responded to it, so I just chose North America.

Week 3
Oceania can not be HOW again. Europe knows that its evicted if it doesn't win HOW and works extremely hard. It gets Antarctica and Africa eliminated, but then Asia wins HOW.
HOW: Oceania
Asia's teammate is Europe. Asia sees that the only two person team left in the house other than Eurasia is Aquice.
Nominee 1: Oceania
Nominee 2: Antarctica
Oceania begins to fight with Antarctica over the fact that Antarctica never wins competitions. Oceania wins POV.
Nominee 1: Antarctica
Europe is Asia's teammate, Oceania is safe and so Africa is only one left.
Nominee 2 (changed): Africa
Europe: Antarctica
Oceania is angry with Antarctica losing all of the competitions
Oceania: Antarctica
By a vote of 2-0 North America is evicted from continentals.


All continents will be turned into the countries that represent them the most except for continents that still have their whole team in the game who will get an extra country that represents their team. North America also comes back into the game except as all 3 countries that are located in it. Therefore the countries that are continuing in this big brother are:

Canada (North America)
United States (North America)
Mexico (North America)
Australia (Oceania)
Gabon (Africa (team))
South Africa (Africa (continent))
Spain (Europe)
China (Asia)
Russia (Eurasia)

Only 7 countries can remain after the elimination happening right now.
The four countries that represent the continents that remained must each nominate 1 person for eviction. The country that is not nominated will evict someone.

Spain: (only 1 country can speak Spanish in this game) Mexico
China: (only 1 country can be truly powerful) United States
Australia: (only 1 country can be an sprout from Great Britain) Canada
South Africa: (Gabon doesn't set a good example for South Africa) Gabon

Russia chooses to evict United States because they accused them of war.

Mexico, Canada, Gabon and Russia must vote for 2 countries to be nominated to pick 1 country out of these 4 to be evicted.
Mexico: China
Canada: Spain

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