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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

i figure ill do a survey too.

Jun 5, 2009 by cutechica_2011
Name: mandah.
Age: 17
Birthday: October 31/ Halloween
Height:  5''7 1/2
Weight: u don't need to knw im happy with me and thats all that matters
Heritage: Irish/german/welsch/a dot of hopi indian/and spaniard
Hair Color: (as of now it needs redyed) its like a brown with black highlights
Eye Color:Hazel/Changes colors

Speak Any Languages (If Yes, What?): some stuff not fluent but mainly english

What makes you happy: alot of things

What is your favorite type of movie: action/romance comedy/comedy

What is your favorite season: Summer
Do you like secrets: it depends
Cried yourself to sleep:  Yes
Any Piercings:  yeah the ears
Any tattoos:  No
Take walks in the rain:  Yes
Have you ever been in love: yes
Relationship status:  Single
What is best about the opposite sex:  personality and humor
Broken someones heart: yeah

Heart been broken: yeah 
Cheated:  No
Do you like or love someone: if the feeling is strong enough its love.
Something that broke your heart: a loss.
Something that a certain person would see in you: a real person
Something you wish you could've told that person you never seen again: yeah alot.
Need to say something to your ex(s): no
Do you have any regrets:  sure
If you could go back in time and change things with your ex, would you:  no
Do you still think of any of your ex's: everyone thinks of their pasts
How old were you when you got your first kiss: i think 5

Would you die for the person you love: yeah
Candy: Reeses cup
Color: Lime green.

Sport: softball
Video Game: any that look interesting
Singer:  too many
Song: soo mannyy
Place to go: a friends house
Do you think it is important to tell the truth or spare someones feelings: truth bc noones going to feel happy either way if u spare feelings.
Do you fight with words or punches:  Words
What do you get complimented on the most: idk
What is your clothing style:  its my own :]


lol, never known anyone born on halloween before. awesome
Sent by Alisowned,Jun 5, 2009
thx :]
Sent by cutechica_2011,Jun 5, 2009
Love it. :) Reeses cups are amazing.
Sent by AlohaLani,Jun 6, 2009
Love it. :) Reeses cups are amazing.
Sent by AlohaLani,Jun 6, 2009
lol thx aloha
Sent by cutechica_2011,Jun 6, 2009

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