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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

"Left Behind" Episode 6 S1

Nov 16, 2015 by connorfitz15
Jenna Mark
Henri Benson
Logan Thegamingdragon
Jocelyn Arocho Kelly2722
Oliver Grubb MrPokeguy9
James Jackson MrPokeguy9
Rhen wumblebee
Quanda "Boothang" Jones Zuelke
Charlie Pace DumbGinger
Tanya karim
Richelle Claxton Paul41
Rennac Crow Rennac
Watermelondrea jones tkoj555
Yessi tkoj555
Dillon Moires Indiybomboo
Sargent Todly

Episode 6
At camp the fighting get's even worse as lines are drawn
Rhen- "this is ridiculous, i can't believe we let him be the leader for this long"
Quanda- "girl you just gotta calm down, fighting ain't gonna get anything done"
the others in the tent agree
Rhen- "i didn't ask for your opinions i asked for your support"
Tanya- "but Rhen..."
Rhen- "don't.......just don't"
Rhen walks out
Richelle- "this is getting insane, maybe we should leave"
Quanda- "right now it does'int seem like a bad idea"
Jocelyn- "we should at least give Jenna and them some time"
Richelle- "or we could leave tonight and if we find them good and if we don't sucks to be them"
Tanya- "Richelle we can't just leave them behind"
Richelle- "and what do you purpose we do?"
Tanya- "just give them 3 days.....please?"
Richelle- "fine but no more then that"
Nathan and Logan stand at the top of the hill just past the tree's
Nathan- "you sure you can handle this Logan?"
Logan- "what.......ya sure i can"
Nathan- "well it's go time, you go around the western side and i'll go around the eastern side and we should hopefully meet in the middle and locate drakoll"
Logan- "ok"
they split
Oliver and James sit outside
James- "so are we really leaving?"
Oliver- "well Tanya fought her way into waiting 3 more days but yes............James what if we forgot about the group and went off on are own"
James- "i'd say wherever you are is where i want to be"
Jenna, Rennac and Dillon stand in the cabin
Jenna- "where did he go?"
Dillon- "i don't know but i'll walk through the woods just to check"
Rennac- "Dillon don't go alone"
Dillon- "um dude i have a knife and stuff i'll live, you two figure something out while i'm gone"
Dillon leaves
Jenna- "we'll never find him"
she cries into a chair as Rennac sit's down next to her trying to comfort her
Rennac- "well i'm not good at this kind of thing but everything might be ok and if it is'int it will be one day, just live for the moment Jenna...."
Jenna pulls Rennac in and they kiss passionately as Rennac pulls her jacket off and escalates from there
General Henri Benson sit's at his desk as Sargent Todly walks in
Todly- "Sir it's time"
Henri- "yes i'm aware, it's time for Project Cleanse"


(Firstly apologies for begging, didn't mean too )

Also loving the development of all the storylines, I can feel the tension RAISING!
Sent by MrPokeguy9,Nov 16, 2015
@Mypokeguy9, all is good as long as everyone enjoys reading the episode i'm happy. :)
Sent by connorfitz15,Nov 16, 2015
Wow! Did not see that coming! :O
Loving where this story is going too!
Sent by Rennac,Nov 16, 2015
I hope Logan and  henri are okay
Sent by tkoj555,Nov 16, 2015
also Nathan
Sent by tkoj555,Nov 16, 2015
The story line is grat
Sent by Thegamingdragon,Nov 16, 2015
Welp. I'm dead XD
Sent by Indiybomboo,Nov 17, 2015

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