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The cokercola's blog

Posts 63 posts

Cokercola for stars 5 : ) Dec 13, 2008
I'm a total newbie to this site, and I've been so busy the last couple days I've barely even been able to be on... I've been going through tengage withdrawl!  haha!  I really want to be in Stars 5, I think it would be soooo much fun!  Hope I can get in!!
Points: 16 3 comments
Money sucks! Dec 11, 2008
I think that money is the root of all evil... unless of course you have a bunch of it and then its awesome....well T$ are always good,  but I'm talking about the kind that pays bills... and buys christmas presents.  I need to win the lottery!!!  haha!  Hope everyone is doing well in the tengage world!
Points: 15 1 comments
Play Rookies with me!!! Dec 10, 2008
I just entered into my first rookies game and I'm the only one here!  Come play!  I'm lonely : )
Points: 22 4 comments
Good start... Dec 10, 2008
Its been a good start to a new day.... I finished 2nd in my game which is better than Ive EVER done!  I'm so happy about that!  And its Wednesday! So we are half way through the week...and my husband is finally feeling better, which if you read my blogs before, this is a VERY good thing!  Have a great day all you tengagers!  Can't wait to play again!
Points: 35 7 comments
top 4!!! Dec 9, 2008
I know people don't like blogs like this, but i'm sooooo excited to have made the top 4 for the first time, I don't care!!!  yaay!!!  I finally made it to the finals!!  woo hoo!!!!!
Points: 6 3 comments
The fairness of life... Dec 8, 2008
Anyone ever feel like life isn't fair?  Like you go through the motions, and do what you think you are suppose to do and things still don't go well?  Like there is nothing you can do to change the outcome, and you are just stuck with the cards you are dealt?
Points: 16 2 comments