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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

People always get mad

Apr 29, 2014 by climbingdolphins
When I share the truth that god doesn't exist and Christianity is bullshit...well guess what!!! I'm allowed to speak what I believe which is that Christianity is bullshit!!! All you Christians always try to convert people to Christianity...why can't I try to convert people to my beliefs in Buddhism?!?! And the first step to doing that is to get people to open their eyes and stop following a bullshit religion that has been disproven by science in every way!!! Nobody seems to give a shit when people spread "the word of god" on this site, but as soon as someone speaks out against it, they are practically condemned to death!!! This is the only problem with this site...

Edit: Mmm...look at those lovely negs...this is exactly what I was talking about!!!!!



i regret joining your charity
Sent by hugatree343,Apr 29, 2014
Sent by Etienne,Apr 29, 2014
"All you Christians always try to convert people to Christianity"
no not really please dont spread lies it looks bad

bullshit religion
the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

Christianity does not worship bull's shit  but if there was a religion that did im sure you would join it :P

that has been disproven by science in every way!!!
well for my religion at least Catholicism we do not believe that everything in the bible was written to be followed as the truth but as a deeper meaning like a poem has metaphors and stuff so it really does not matter if statements are inaccurate as we follow the underlying message which is basically be a good person. THere are a group of christans that believe that everything in the bible is truthful they are biblical christians or something like that i cant remeber but anyways they went out to go work with snakes cause a part of the bible says if you follow god and you work with snakes they can not hurt you so a lot of them died. Catholics believe that means something else so yeah....awks that you group all Christianity into one big thing when you have problems with different sects of the religion. So its kinda like being racist really what you are saying because, you problems with a small group of the population but YOU take those oppinons on the small group on the entire population. Eww
Sent by iamtrey,Apr 29, 2014
iamtrey ,I was born and raised catholic, my grandparents DISOWNED me for leaving the Catholic Church!!!! I am allowed to believe what I believe and you are allowed to believe what you believe, I am not saying that you all try to convert people but a fair majority of you do and almost all of you get all pissy when someone advertises their beliefs that contradict yours. And I realize that you don't believe everything in the bible how it was said and that a lot of it is taken as metaphors, but there are some things that the bible states as FACT, for example, if you do the math in the book of genesis it states that the earth is currently about 3000 years old...guess what...that is FALSE!! Also, yes, it does say to be a "good person" but the Christian church preaches HATE!! It pretty much says love everybody...unless they are gay, female, black, or have any beliefs that vary from your own. Plus, you still worship this big invisible guy in the sky that has never been proven to exist and this guy who was born and just claimed to be the son of your god and everyone just believed him(years later that is, not at first obviously) SHOW ME PROOF AND I WILL BECOME CATHOLIC AGAIN, I BET YOU CANNOT DO IT!!!!!
Sent by climbingdolphins,Apr 29, 2014
if you do the math in the book of genesis it states that the earth is currently about 3000 years old...guess what...that is FALSE!!

as a catholic this has been explained to me by the church as a metaphor that gave people the knowledge that the earth was created a long time before than and was put there for the people of the time. not the people of our time! like i said we dont take that as fact .

Christian church preaches HATE!!

idk which one your going to but the only one that does is the westbro baptist church....

It pretty much says love everybody...unless they are gay, female, black, or have any beliefs that vary from your own.

the people that consist of those categories are apart of the church....actually the bible says it is a sin to lay with another man so tenichally you can still be gay as long as you never have sex.

Plus, you still worship this big invisible guy in the sky that has never been proven to exist and this guy who was born and just claimed to be the son of your god and everyone just believed him(years later that is, not at first obviously)

the definition of religion means you have faith and i believe that to be as true as
1+1=2 just like with that you trust that because, someone told you or read it from a book its really not that different as believing in that or in love. You can not visibly see love but yet it exists and you believe in math as the person way back when probably a Greek mathematician wrote it down somewhere. So yeah a lot of things that you think are proved really are not if you want to say that jesus does not exist because, someone wrote it down years later. ANd if you are trying to say the bible was consisted years after jesus died it was. They wanted to make sure it was as germane to what their religion is. History books are written after events and they to you i am sure are believed to be true.


you have not had any proof in your argument and idc if you become catholic again im not trying to convert you i just cant let you bash a religion when what  you say is bullshit lmao

Sent by iamtrey,Apr 29, 2014
Ehhh, all religion is made up by humans at some point in history so fighting over it is silly :P

As long as it isn't used to spread hate then go for it(VERY IMPORTANT). Some people need it to feel purpose and answer questions that can't be answered
Sent by Audren,Apr 29, 2014
THANK YOU audren !!!!!!!
Sent by climbingdolphins,Apr 29, 2014
>Christian church preaches HATE!!

>idk which one your going to but the only one that does is the westbro baptist church....

>It pretty much says love everybody...unless they are gay, female, black, or have any >beliefs that vary from your own.

>the people that consist of those categories are apart of the church....actually the bible >says it is a sin to lay with another man so tenichally you can still be gay as long as you >never have sex.

Okay so, let's dive into this mess lmao. There are waaaay more churches and "christians" that preach hate than westboro baptist. I live in the same town as the people from the Duck Dynasty show so I'm in the center of the bible belt and honestly maybe 10-20% of people who claim to be christian do not use their religion to hate and belittle others(All that do are hypocrites as well).

And the being gay issue... a simple google search will show you that with the LARGE amount of succeding translation  have made the Bible of today's time and there are numerous passages that even studied preachers admit do not mean(in the original text) what they say/are used for now.(This is the most popular debate for those wanting to say the bible names homosexuality as a sin(on a side not studies have literally shown it is not a choice for who you are attracted to so you're basicaly saying God made it impossible for select people to go to Heaven as they will always be sinners even if they repent))
AND if you really want to quote the Bible turn literally anywhere in the Old Testament for laws from God such as stoning your child for disobeying their parents(Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

>the definition of religion means you have faith and i believe that to be as true as
>1+1=2 just like with that you trust that because, someone told you or read it from a book >its really not that different as believing in that or in love. You can not visibly see love but >yet it exists and you believe in math as the person way back when probably a Greek >mathematician wrote it down somewhere. So yeah a lot of things that you think are >proved really are not if you want to say that jesus does not exist because, someone wrote >it down years later.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME omg... Okay so math isn't true because someone came up with it? Literally if you have one apple, and you get another apple, you have two. There is the proof lmao. Love exist as chemicals in your brain, scans visibly show PROOF that those chemicals exist and certain triggers release them in you...

>ANd if you are trying to say the bible was consisted years after jesus died it was. They >wanted to make sure it was as germane to what their religion is. History books are written >after events and they to you i am sure are believed to be true.

Okay so first off, the Bible was created in parts... different people wrote different books... there are MANY more of these "books" by saints and other people of that time. They are simply not included as someone came along and hand selected what they wanted the Bible to be composed of. ALSO history books and the bible are two completely different things. There proof from THOUSANDS of sources for just about every single event documented in history. Don't compare the two.

>you have not had any proof in your argument and idc if you become catholic again im not >trying to convert you i just cant let you bash a religion when what  you say is @#!*% lmao

Yes his points did suck, really badly. But mine don't(:

climbingdolphins (don't thank me, I'm just stating facts)
Sent by Audren,Apr 29, 2014
honestly maybe 10-20% of people who claim to be christian do not use their religion to hate and belittle others(All that do are hypocrites as well).

are you talking about where you live based on your own experiences?if that is not a fact its an observation btw

ARE YOU KIDDING ME omg... Okay so math isn't true because someone came up with it? Literally if you have one apple, and you get another apple, you have two.

Showing the lack of argument he had and having "two" apples as an application of math is because you fucking read it from a book if you never read or was taught math you would have no clue what "two" or "addition" is IT is was created by human just like i was trying to say! Thats only proof cause you actually believe 1+1=2! That is really silly to not see that.

Love exist as chemicals in your brain, scans visibly show PROOF that those chemicals exist and certain triggers release them in you...
Same with faith if you look at people with mental disorders that involve religion you will see certain sections of their brains are hyper reactive! so whats your answer to that?

Yes his points did suck, really badly. But mine don't(:
You points dont disprove anything and have bias a lot of it causing it to be less reliable

Sent by iamtrey,Apr 29, 2014
>are you talking about where you live based on your own experiences?if that is not a fact its >an observation btw
Yes that is an observation yet considering I'm in one of the strongest christian areas of the country but you don't have any proof that it's not true so we can agree to disagree. Just know that literally everyone not Christian views Christians that way and there's most likely a reason for that...

>Showing the lack of argument he had and having "two" apples as an application of math is >because you @#!*% read it from a book if you never read or was taught math you would >have no clue what "two" or "addition" is IT is was created by human just like i was trying >to say! Thats only proof cause you actually believe 1+1=2! That is really silly to not see that.

OMGGGGGGGG like this is hilarious. Do you seriously think there is no proof to math. Please tell your math teacher that or if you're out of school find a mathmetician and tell them that. Let me know how hard they laugh. If I never read a book I would be smart enough to figure out 1+1=2. Like come on.... That's like some drink the kool aid shit you're saying right there.

>Same with faith if you look at people with mental disorders that involve religion you will >see certain sections of their brains are hyper reactive! so whats your answer to that?
This has made no sense. A rat can be trained to react to something by consequences. There's a study I learned of in my psychology class where a guy blew a whistle before everytime he gave a group of dogs food and eventually their mouths started foaming up when he blew the whistle even without getting, smelling, or seeing food. And the subject used in your example is MENTALLY ILL, which means their brain is not working right. And love is pre prgorammed into every person, a reaction to religion is not...

>You points dont disprove anything and have bias a lot of it causing it to be less reliable
PLEASE explain to me how tney have not proved anything or are biased, with the exception of the 80-90% of Christians are hateful part, PLEASE

@iamtry (I wish I could tag all of tengaged to see that whole "math has no proof" thing like I'm still loling at it
Sent by Audren,Apr 30, 2014

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