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The chaarl's blog

Posts 14 posts

who should win BB UK? Aug 20, 2009
who do you think should win?

Points: 12 5 comments
day one. #9267 Aug 2, 2009
well well well
another casting with 2 people from my last game

there has been a lot of arguing in the casting, i dont know why , i was away for most of it.
but i cannot stand the arguing in BOTH my games
argh it just P's me off!
normally i dont get angry lol
anyway, it should be a good , eventfull game
i will blog later. when i'm there to witness what evil happens LMFAO :')
-lots of love <3
Points: 9 2 comments
day one #9266 Aug 2, 2009
a new day a new start?
i think not.
seems like 4 people were in my last game:
but its fine cos they were nice & friendly in my game :D
and it seems like one player:
is in a game with my bff, so i bet shes nice too. she seems it
the people nommed are:
good luck to you all <3
but you cant always have a peaceful castings can you?
not in this case
tupac & justine have already started arguing. calling each other racist names. and threatening to find out were they both live :/

well thats all i can blog about ... for now.

Points: 11 0 comments
arguing already in castings #9266. Aug 2, 2009
The game hasnt even started yet, and TUPAC & JUSTINE are already arguing. calling each other racist names. tupac called me a nasty name before also.
hes telling justine that he's going to her house now :s
any help on how to handle it LOL
Points: 27 5 comments
the winner of castings #9210. Aug 2, 2009
i knew it!
2DTO3 won! :D
i told him from early on he was going to win.
and he deserved it , he was active most of the time. friendly & everything a good person needs.
he kept me in when i was up. i just wished i could of got to know him more.
well done to the other finalists though! :D
2DTO3. your truly respected from me.
im soooo glad you won :D
-muchh loveeeeeeeee
Points: 9 2 comments
day nine. #9210 Aug 2, 2009
well i got voted out :')
5th place is ok though for my first time i suppose...
the people in the final are
good luck to you all.
its been a lovely game :D
--lots of love :D
Points: 5 2 comments