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The cassie_xo's blog

Posts 65 posts

Oreo Cookies Jan 11, 2011
imageSo I was all excited about getting my oreos today and I picked one out only to be HEART BROKEN to find out that they jipped me out of the yummy oreo icing center! :(
Like WTF?  Who does that?  Do they think its funny?  Because I am NOT laughing one little bit.
I'm super un-happy about this OREO makers ! >:(
Points: 36 1 comments
Graduated from braids.. Jan 11, 2011
to curly brown hair! :D

Thanks Ryan for arranging this and Sash for gifting me! <3
Points: 39 2 comments
Rookies Jan 3, 2011
So now I've determined that I fail at every rookies.
Quick or Slow
13 Post or not
With a Premade or Without

I just flat out suck lol :) <3
Points: 22 5 comments
SEAL Jan 3, 2011
imageThe boy who rocks us with other peoples scandals pretty much every other week on here has just produced one of his own.

This person claims to be some Andy guy. (Andy Pantz or something strange like that)
Well now he says that's not even his REAL name.
Who the hell picks 'ANDY' to be their internet alias name?!  Why not something that makes you sound a little manlier like HARLEY or BERT/EERNIE?
Come on now.
So like.. this leads me to believe that the rest of his profile is fake as well.
He probably doesn't even live in that North/East/South/West Carolina state whichever it is he claims to reside in.
Which would mean.. he is actually probably a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and NOT the Carolina Pathers.. what difference does it really make tho?  They both suck.
I would also like to bet that he is actually a 57 year old woman pretending to be 16 by using the photos of her young nephew, stolen off his facebook.  (Because we ALL know how Seal loves to investigate on FB)

JUST when you think you know someone, they turn your entire world upside down.
After 5 years, Mr. Seal- whoever you actually are- You've blindsided me :(
I'm COMPLETELY heartbroken and I don't know if I can trust ANYTHING you tell me anymore.

ps. thanks for the gifts! <3
Points: 8 0 comments
My BEST Friend Dec 28, 2010
imageis Jennifer101.
She is just so pretty and nice and always plusses my blogs!
I idolize her and I hope some day I can be half as amazing as this girl is!

Forgive me?! <3
Points: 3 2 comments
My friends.. Dec 28, 2010
I like these people..

Hmm.. did I FORGET anyone?
If I did it MUST be because I couldn't be bothered to type out their name....
Points: 39 2 comments