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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The Real View: S1 E4

Apr 14, 2016 by carlyjordan14
imageLed by six bold and outspoken hosts, these Tengagers reflect the diverse audience. They unapologetically say what everyone is actually thinking. Their unique perspectives are brought to life through their candid conversations on topics ranging from their own personal lives to the celebrity news of the day, to beauty, fashion and relationships. 

:::::THE CO-HOSTS:::::

Carly Jay ( carlyjordan14) = Moderator
Klaus Mott ( imprincearthur)
Kasey Hope ( KaseyHope101)
Andell Elliott ( kaylee21)
Jay Santo ( Jacob_C)
Kylie Blue ( SummerRae101)


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:::::THE REAL VIEW:::::
:::::SEASON 1: EPISODE 4:::::

CARLY: “Hello and welcome to The Real View! We’re happy to have guest co-host, Jack Walsh ( JacksonWalsh) joining us today! Let’s get into some “Real Talk!”

:::::TOPIC 1:::::

CARLY: “This week marks the 104th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. If you were on the Titanic as it was sinking, what would you have done?”

JACK: “Personally, I would've done what the rest did. Help the children and women on board. After that, jump on a boat and escape. Yeah, it wouldn't be THAT easy, but it'd still be worth it.”

KLAUS: “Honestly, Titanic is a truly remarkable and sad part of our history well not American history but world history and maritime history altogether. Back then there was not much for a guy to do and how would i escape, I guess it all matters to which class i was in If first i would honestly help the women and children on board first and then i would get into a boat, if second class i would do the same thing and if third class or steerage and there was a child down in third class i would risk my life for a child's life.”

JAY: “I dont even know what Id do! Its easybto say youre gonna fo this but until youre actually in the situation you never really know”


CARLY: “I would be one of the last to leave I think, because I'd want to help everyone get to safety. I'd probably just drown so I could later be called a hero and have buildings named after me lol just kidding.”

KYLIE: “I would honestly hug as much people as possible, and say nice things to everyone. I want to be remembered as a good person.”

KLAUS:  “Kasey, not trying to make this about symbolism but more of a historical event. As I have studied many things about the ship and the true story of Jack and rose from the movie. Titanic was a major event in our history and it is one of history's most saddest thing in our history.”

KASEY: “Well, Jack and Rose weren't really true stories, And I'd be dead!”

CARLY: “Speaking of couples…”

:::::TOPIC 2:::::

CARLY: “Cheating scandals have been around since the beginning of time, but many love triangles have many taking sides. Most recently Blake Shelton divorced Miranda Lambert and moved on with Gwen Stefani. How would you feel if the public was able to comment on your personal relationships or is that just part of the price for being famous?”

KLAUS: “If you don't want the public to know your personal relationships then at least try to hide it as long as you can but everything comes out when you are in the spotlight that is just a major part of being famous!”

JAY: “everyone has the right to privacy and to a certain degree the general public need to respect celebrities private lives but celebrities need to be aware that everybody talks and there will always be discussios about who their dating or breaking up with.”

KASEY: “If you're caught, you're caught. Privacy is basically dead when you're in a relationship. But, if you're in a public relationship, don't be stupid. If you wanna cheat, cheat but don't cheat in public. Don't be a dumb hoe. Just don't.”

CARLY: “I do agree that it is a part of being famous nowadays, but back before tabloids many celebrities were able to keep their lives private. I feel like because of that, many of the movies and shows from back then are now considered classics. The acting was great since the focus was on the work. Now, in modern times, anyone can be famous and the work produced seems to suffer. I mean how many movies/shows released recently would be considered classics? I think there is a link between private lives being private and producing good works. By the way, I'm totally #TeamMiranda! Her new boy toy is hot! Much better than Blake in my opinion.”

KYLIE: “This is a stick situation and one of the downsides of fame. You can't be in a relationship without the world watching which sucks, but it's part of being famous. You're under a magnifying glass and you always will be. Cheating is wrong of course, but we will never know the truth of what goes on behind the sets and stages.”

CARLY: “Well let’s switch gears and talk about some celebs we would never dare cheat on. It’s time for our Weekly Wo/Man Crush!

:::::TOPIC 3:::::

CARLY: “It’s that time again for Wo/Man Crush Monday! Who is your celebrity crush for the week?”

JACK: “Uh... let's see...Arisa Cox. Does that work? Yeah. It does. The ultimate Big Brother fan, she is the current host of Big Brother Canada. She uses her intelligence of the show to make the show as great as possible.”

KLAUS: “My Man Crush for the week would have to be a tie between both Robbie Amell and Grant Gustin as they both are smart in their own ways, they act on tv shows such as the tomorrow people(Robbie) and the flash(Both of them), They both have great personalities and their fitness routines are great as well, I mean look at them.”

Robbie -

Grant -

KASEY: “Probably Poe from Star Wars : The Force Awakens. Daddy. As. Hell.
Adam Driver too. Or Negan from the walking dead. He can beat me with Lucille any day!”

CARLY: “Omg, Kasey! Lol "he can beat me with Lucille any day!” Ok so for this week I recently started following him in social media and never realized how hot he was until now! It's Cameron Dallas!”

KLAUS: “Carly, I agree Cameron is cute for his age but seriously look at robbie amell he is HOT.”
KYLIE: “This week has go to go CHARLIE PUTH. I recently attended his concert and he is even sexier in person! and his singing voice makes him even hotter.. and then when he speaks and his voice is deep it's even HOTTER!”

JAY: “The queen of youtube herself, MISS LILLY SINGH!”

CARLY: “Speaking of hot women, we have one half of the Bella Twins with us today!”


CARLY: “Nikki Bella ( PoisonIvy22) is a wrestler and one half of Team Bella, along with her twin sister. Recently, Nikki had an almost career ending neck surgery. She is here to update everyone on her recovery.”

JACK: “So, let's get right to it. How are you?”

NIKKI: “Nikki: I am Really good thanks for asking, I am wearing my neck brace and still working out and recording to get back in the ring, I even managed to surprise my sister at WrestleMania 32”

KLAUS: “Nikki, How does it feel like to wrestle in WWE?”

NIKKI: “Well it's not an easy thing to do, I mean if it was easy anyone can do it. But it's a lot of fun to wrestle knowing that I made a lot of friends in the industry, and that I had my Twin sister Brie, which made it so much better.”

KASEY: “How does it feel to be such a badass bitch?”

NIKKI: *laughs* I mean I love it, I loved doing the Rack Attack and I loved the day when I was a heel with my sister, but I'm focusing on being a face, and getting back in the title picture”

KLAUS: “So Nikki how does it feel to be in the same ring as some of the strongest male wrestlers such as John Cena, the Rock, and Stone Cold Steve Austin?”

NIKKI: “Well dating my man John is always a plus, and it's incredible to have been in the ring with people like them as well as Trish Stratus, Lita, Jacqueline, and Sable”

CARLY: “Thank you for joining us and we look forward to seeing you back in the ring!”


CARLY: “Thank you all for joining us this episode of The Real View! Be sure to comment below if you’d like to be tagged when future episodes are released!

Also, comment below your own views on the topics discussed! We’d love to hear your own personal opinions of what we discuss!

That is all for now and remember it’s always good to take a little time to enjoy The Real View!”


Great Episode Carlyjordan14
Sent by imprincearthur,Apr 14, 2016
I SLAYED myself
Sent by Kaseyhope101,Apr 14, 2016
Sent by SummerRae101,Apr 14, 2016

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