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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Can yall imagine if the police

May 29, 2024 by captainzacsparrow
Just casually shot and killed the hostages in hostage situations... But its okay aslong as the hostage taker is killed right? Thats the logic yall supporting the idf are running on to justify the slaughter of innocent civilians.
Like yall realise how delusional you sound right?


I'm just curious what would u do if u were Israel and those terrorists actively shoot rockets at you while hiding behind those innocent people, what would ur plan of action be
Sent by Funny,May 29, 2024
funny to not break international law and commit a genocide? A measured appropriate response by all means. Maybe working with your international partners to tactically take out hamas.
No one is saying there shouldnt of been a response.
No one is saying hamas should not be dealt with.

But blaming victims of oppression for turning to extremism is wild. Its like blamong an abuse victim for defending themselves. Alot of yall idf suppprters act like this started in october. When it has been decades of israeli opression of Palestinians . are they just meant to allow themselves to continually be locked segregated, abused and murdered by the idf and have no response?

The free palestine movement did not start in october. It has been an ongoing movement since i was young at the very least.

And even if all that wasnt the case and it was purely starting in oct. War crimes are not met with other even worse war crimes. That isnt a solution. Thats "who can be the biggest piece of shit".
Sent by captainzacsparrow,May 29, 2024
so that's the thing there's no "tactile" way to do it when they hide in tunnels underground civilian buildings
Sent by Funny,May 29, 2024
funny i dont think theres a obvious measure, but again israel are alligned with the u.s the u.s have a proven track history of dealing with terrorists who hide amongst civilians and eliminating high position military leaders whilst minimising civilian casualties. Its been proven it can be done. The issue is israel is making exactly 0 attempt to do so. The fact they slaughtered aid workers without bothering to look at the giant AID WORKER symbols all over their vehicles and clothing ia further proof of how little israel cares about who they kill.

Why keep journalists from reporting if youre doing nothing wrong?

Maybe if israel had made ANY attempt to minimise civilian losses there could be some argument that "hey theyre trying but its hard" but there is literally no proof.

Proof that theyre trying to commit genocide is abundant though. Even ignoring the bombings and actual gunfight slaughters.
You have soldiers bragging about killing unarmed elderly people on camera. The witholding of aid which was proven by undercover reporters and presented to the israel spokesperson to the uk.
Again the slaughter of aid workers.
Moving civinilians to a safe zone only to bomb said safe zone.
Bombing areas minutes after the limited food and water rations have been dropped  off.
I can go on happily and start taking this back to the past decades too?
A friend of my mothers is a palestinian artist who emigrated to Scotland about 10-15 years ago. He has no home to go back to. Over 50 members of his family including every immediate relative is dead. All Killed by the IDF. And you know what the real kicker is? 90% of them were killed before this current shit started. Some through physically being murdered, some frim torture. Some from starvation due to israel cutting off produce flow over the decades.

Israel has a track record of abusing palestinians. Ill never blame a victim for fighting back 🤷🏻‍♂️
Sent by captainzacsparrow,May 29, 2024
funny i 100% did not realise i wrote that much, my apologies for the essay 😭😂
Sent by captainzacsparrow,May 29, 2024

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