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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

THANK YOU 49.1% ⭐

1stAug 12, 2023 by brunodrads

GUYSSSSS WE ARE IN THE FINALSSSS! Can you imagine? That cast was definitely wild full of good players and popularity threats so I was just playing day by day but never could feel 100% confident to have real chances of be sitting here. Obviously it was possible because yall gave me a lot of support and I survived three tough polls, now we just need to get the last task done and grab the win I count on you. ❤️

a bit about my gameplay: always when I play stars I like to be in a position that makes me feel comfortable and safe so when I realized people don't talk too much nor try to push sets I will be the one trying to get it. I did for the first weeks until Brian (one of my allies) get up due someone splitting the vote/playing the middle so it started to make me worried. When Vitor (SemNome) also got nominated and then evicted I knew my time was coming lol until that moment I mainly worked with Stefan, Carlos and Thi we were a "secret" alliance but suddenly I lost my trust on them cuz my plans was never working so I thought they weren't playing with us anymore. After Thi got evicted I was definitely alone cuz I felt everyone left did participate to make it happen. Gladly I received lot of support and could survive but I think my 3 polls was with 3 strong and popular people so I never felt confident on staying. My last move was lock mexash/jets after a while I could finally got my set up cuz for my game that was the best option at that moment. I couldn't let someone go unnominated and mexash was responsible to put me in danger many times. And now I'm here so reward me :)



Boa sorte amig, pegue seu primeiro lugar pois merece <333
Sent by Miiaa,Aug 12, 2023
good luck ♥
Sent by icyz,Aug 12, 2023
boa sorte :)
Sent by w221b,Aug 12, 2023
Sent by lBrice,Aug 12, 2023
Sent by Absolutely,Aug 12, 2023
u are a winner in my eyes already!!!!
Sent by alecisus,Aug 12, 2023
Congrats ILY!
Sent by VanitySmurf,Aug 12, 2023
Sent by BenjaminB,Aug 12, 2023
Sent by melissakhurry,Aug 12, 2023
Boa sorte ....  voce é meu vencedor
Sent by Music,Aug 12, 2023
Sent by casimiro,Aug 13, 2023
Sent by _Ravenclaw_,Aug 13, 2023
Sent by Totomito,Aug 13, 2023

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