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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Why lie in Castings?

Oct 28, 2010 by bluedudeman
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think in a castings, 5 keys, 100% health, 2347 checks, and a better competition score, would usually beat someone with 1 key, 100% health, and 1899 checks. < - - that's the game I'm talking about.

Libertarian clearly stated that he had the better stats (and it was serious, as he said he "lied" before, to avoid getting evicted if nommed) but if he had such better stats than me, (the other stats) why wouldn't he get 2nd over me?

This brings me to my main reason.

What is the point of lying in castings. If you get nommed, you get nommed. In this case, we were in the final day, what's the point of lying about your stats then? There's no jury, or anything, the computer will decide, we don't.

This whole castings was full of lies, and I don't see a reason for it, in such a simple game. You play a game, talk a bit, get collectables, and vote. There's no need for a strategy.


I had 7 keys and someone with like 3 I think, beat me.
Sent by Ireland,Oct 28, 2010
i dont get it either!
Sent by alexfl,Oct 28, 2010
Hmm.. I thought though, if you had all 4 things better (and by a lot) then you were a for-sure higher placement then someone with much lower.

I mean, that game, we never saw a key, there were only 4 confirmed, myself with one, but then he came out saying he has 5, and 2,300 checks, when he definitely didn't talk as much as anyone else. It's more about lying though than the stats.
Sent by bluedudeman,Oct 28, 2010
some people just can't help themselves :D plussed :0)
Sent by Katalina,Oct 28, 2010
i lie sometimes about having keys or not in the first few days. after that i just don't tell people
Sent by TheTropicalPun,Oct 28, 2010
I think that game had the worst "gameplay" I've ever seen.

Plussed. (:
Sent by TylerKeith,Oct 28, 2010
absolutly right
Sent by MikeRORO,Nov 4, 2010
#2. Go to the fourth user who commented on this blog. Their third ever game. The winner of that games, first game. The winner of that game, in their third MOST RECENT game, whoever placed 4th in that game, their 2nd ever blog is clue #3.
Sent by bluedudeman,Apr 20, 2012
saxonmath; skipped leg 3 for a while..
Sent by saxonmath,Apr 20, 2012
Sent by Mearl,Apr 20, 2012
Survivor: Lesotho Hidden Immunity Idol Clue -
I have hosted one other survivor season to completion; go to a blog of the runner up of that season to claim a hidden immunity idol.
Sent by dolphinsoccer4,May 23, 2013
Sent by reallyreally,Apr 8, 2023

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