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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Death in a Diner, Scene 3

Jul 30, 2010 by akstroud
Read Scene 1 and 2 First!
Scene 3: Case Closed
(Yish and Mr. Sasha are sitting in the office panta-miming. Lee enters from stage left)

Yish-Lee, you figure anything out?

Lee-Yeah I think so. Got a strong lead on someone, going to look at it now. I'll be back. (exits off stage right)

Yish-See, he doesn't expect a thing. We are going to be crystal clear.

Sasha-I hope you are right. My company would lose major money if I get taken out.

Yish-Don't worry. Just give me the grand, and I'll keep you safe.
(Sasha slides over a yellow envolope, Yish opens and counts it)
Yish-This is only five hundred? I thought we had a deal!

Sasha-I'll get you the rest of the money, once my name is cleared.

(Lee enters back in)
Lee-Alright, I figured out who did the murder.

Sasha-So I am free to go? (stands up)

Lee-Not quite. Just hear me out. Murder happened at 8 this morning. It has been discovered that LSD was the killer of Isaac Weston. But hold on, isn't Mr. Sasha an LSD mob lord? Which mean, LSD is easy for you to come by, isn't it?

Sasha-Sure is. But now go on to solving the case.

Lee-Well if LSD is easy for you, then you could easily get enough to overdose someone, can't you?

Sasha-Well it wouldn't take too much. Are you suggesting I murdered Isaac Weston?

Lee-Well, not that you killed him. Just that you aided in murder. In fact, you see I found this little note here, a recipt for a large supply of LSD, and the number, hmmm, seems very familiar.

Yish-That's my number...

Lee-Will you look at that. It is your number. So why purchancing such a large quanity of drugs?

Yish-It's not what it seems...

Lee-No I figured it out. Here's what happened, Sasha was tired of Isaac's debt piling up, so he wanted him taken out. He knew that it would be a busy dinner, because Mr. Watson and Mrs. Watson were to be there. So he hired a hit man, but not one he could trust. He wasn't sure if Yishmael was clean or dirty, so he came here to sit back and watch. He brought the recipet, just in case Yishmael turned him in.

Yish-So you really are one of the best dectives. And it seems this case has come to a close...

Lee-Aparntly. It seems that it was Yishmael, in the diner, with the pill. Yishmael Sneed, you are under arrest for the murder of Isaac Weston.

That's all folks. Hope you enjoyed. Be honest. :)


Sent by myiel,Jul 30, 2010
Sent by myiel,Jul 30, 2010
OMG ... Brilliant
Sent by KxPinkx,Jul 30, 2010
knew it
Sent by DBWs,Jul 30, 2010

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