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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

fun fact:

May 21, 2024 by Xyris
electric died and one of his multis took over his account


In the dim, silent hours of the night, Baby Xyris stirs, his teething troubles giving rise to eerie, almost inhuman cries. Shadows play tricks on the walls of his nursery, their shapes twisting and contorting like specters dancing in the moonlight. The once comforting glow of his nightlight now casts long, unsettling shadows over his crib, where he gnaws on his teething ring with unnerving intensity. His eyes, gleaming with an otherworldly light, seem to follow unseen entities across the room.

Parents speak in hushed tones about the peculiar happenings since Xyris began teething. Objects move on their own, doors creak open, and an inexplicable chill fills the air. The neighbors whisper tales of ancient spirits awakened by the innocent suffering of a child, of a house now marked by the restless presence of unseen forces. As Xyris's tiny teeth break through his tender gums, it feels as though something far more sinister is breaking through, too.
Sent by LizzoBigGirl,May 21, 2024
Kat1 took my place
Sent by Electric,May 21, 2024

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