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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Why is everyone

Jul 8, 2015 by Wonderdog
So obsessed with John all of a sudden (example: Patrick319)?
I do not dislike him at all. He's 5th on my rankings. Just questioning, that's all.
He is far from being one of the hottest houseguests Big Brother (example: Dr Will, Hardy, Dan, Cody, Clay) offered us and has one of the strangest voices I ever heard. He's not even gay like most of you are. If you ever met him, he wouldn't fall for you and want to have sex with you, unless you truly are a woman. (Not trying to offend anyone)
I can understand that he's "funny" and somewhat strategic. Am I missing something or what?


I will pray for you tonight
Sent by Patrick319,Jul 8, 2015
What for? Falling in love with a man? And becoming as obsessed as you are over John?! Good luck with that Patrick319
Sent by Wonderdog,Jul 8, 2015
You're probably taking my blogs too seriously then lol. But to answer the question, John is my favourite because I find him to be one of the more endearing people this year on feeds and I find everything he does to be adorable. He's genuinely a nice guy and I really like him for that.
Sent by Patrick319,Jul 8, 2015
You clearly seem obsessed over him in your blogs, to the point of sexual scenarios and what not. Sure, John is a nice guy. I agree with you on that. However, why do you obsess on the first nice guy that you seen on TV? Is there no one nice where you live? Do you spend too much time on this website full of bullies and selfish jerks? Patrick319
Sent by Wonderdog,Jul 8, 2015
I think I'm allowed to have my favourites am I not? It's not that his character is something brand new that I've never seen, it's just that he's my favourite in relation to the other houseguests, most of which I like but aren't as endearing to me as John is. It's all subjective any way. I don't get why everyone on here calls Shelli a queen, but I don't overly question it?
Sent by Patrick319,Jul 8, 2015
Of course everyone has their own favourite houseguest. I totally acknowledge that fact. I don't get the Shelli love either, but at least these people are not making sexual scenarios with her. I don't have a problem with that. I would ignore your John blogs if they weren't so detailed. May I ask why you have to have imaginary sex with your favorite houseguest? Why not simply like them for who they are? Patrick319
Sent by Wonderdog,Jul 8, 2015

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