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The Wilba's blog

Posts 17 posts

Half Way Sep 6, 2009
imageDay 4 of game 9714, and my first impressions have proved 2 b correct about everyone. In terms of evictions, i'm pleased that ive so far survived nominations, with the first 6 evictions not conjuring any surprises, with the inactive housemates being evicted, apart from jason, who still remains despite 2 days of inactivity. The first surprise nomination did come 2day, with alisha being up, despite being a regular. However, i believe that Jason's time is comin 2 an end and will b leaving this evening. Anyway i leave u with a picture of the penultimate Big Brother UK winner, Sophie Reade.
Points: 19 1 comments
First impressions :P Sep 4, 2009
Well it's early days but all the players in my game all seem very nice :) tommy, ray and alisha in particular :P had no impressions of the 3 nominees coz they've not been on :O anyway hope 2 survive til end and not b evicted by the algorithm :)
Points: 11 1 comments
First impressions :P Sep 4, 2009
Well it's early days but all the players in my game all seem very nice :) tommy, ray and alisha in particular :P had no impressions of the 3 nominees coz they've not been on :O anyway hope 2 survive til end and not b evicted by the algorithm :)
Points: 7 0 comments
3rd Place Sep 12, 2008
imageWell that's the end of my first game. A third place finish. Not 2 bad 4 a first try. Well done to Tobias, a deserved winner and 2 Ryan with an equally as good 2nd place. Goldy and Kambo, easy picks at 4th and 5th in my opinion. Well Tobias is the winner of one game, the hottest bird of BB9 UK at #1, no competition, the absolutely stunnin surprise first evictee, Stephanie.
Points: 0 1 comments
The Finale Sep 12, 2008
imageWow, its the final day. Cant believe it. Also can't believe that I was never up 4 eviction. Bex is the l8est evictee. No surprise there. Could have been her or Kambo but aw well. As 4 the possible winner, I think every1 but Kambo has a chance of winning it, so all I can say now is good luck 2 Tobias, Ryan and Goldylocks. And for 2days BB9 UK Babe, at #2, the quiet 1 Maysoon.
Points: 0 1 comments
The Final Countdown- Day 6 Sep 11, 2008
imageWe are now gettin closer and closer now to the final day. HorrorDoll is out due to her dirty tactics but 2 b fair i'm surprsied Kambo didn't go. Todays block is quite surprisin as Ryan is up, which is shockin since hes been one of the most active. Hes joined by Kambo and Bex to no1s surprise and any of them could go now. Preicting who will win is difficult. I thought Ryan would win but due to his l8 nomination, I think he may have 2 settly for 2nd with Tobias gettin the win. And now for todays BB9 UK Lovely Lady, at #3, the gawjus Jen.
Points: 0 3 comments