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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Bad Boyfriends

Sep 13, 2010 by VivianLeigh
Why do guys have to be so mean? I just had to blog about this, I couldn't help it and on top of that, I don't even know where to post it so since I'm in castings, I'll just post it there. This is my second go round with the same guy and I thought that things would change and for the most part they have but there is still that little bit of A-hole left in him that makes me want to smack his face just once for reality sake. He gets mad at me for playing this game but he watches stupid cartoons. We fight about the slightest things and I just don't get it. I know that there are a lot of gay men that play this game and I LOVE my gay men... you guys are my best friends so maybe you can give me some kind of insight on what the hell is going on. What is it that I'm just not getting or is he just an ass?


+11 Im not mean ^_^
Sent by Robbster1313,Sep 13, 2010
Gurl, you need to dump yo man and go on Tyra and get a new one!
He's just being immature
Sent by spongeboy541,Sep 13, 2010
I hate the fact most guys are like that.. there are many who are different.. like me for example :P
Sent by Taboo,Sep 13, 2010
im not gay, but you made the mistake by giving this guy a second chance when he obv didnt deserve it.

learn to spot to dickheads and you'll be better off ;)
Sent by Sash,Sep 13, 2010
Dump his ass immediately would be my advice!!
Sent by Diva1,Sep 13, 2010
I agree with Diva hun! There are some great guys out there, don't waste your time on this one.
Sent by Jenika,Sep 13, 2010

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