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The Venice's blog

Posts 82 posts

Find My League Main (Update 1) Jul 28, 2019
Champion: Xayah
Position: ADC
Result: Defeat
CS: 157 at 20 minutes
KDA: 15/7/9
Lane: Won

Summary: A good game, we were against a tough lane (Cass/Soraka) vs Thresh and I. Despite our jungler quitting level 7, we managed to snowball hard and collect an Ace on them. However in the end, our lead was no match for their extra number.

Game Highlight:

PYN to be tagged
Points: 32 5 comments
Find my League main! Jul 27, 2019
PYN to be tagged, chart coming soon

Rules: I play each champion once & rank them by how much impact I had on the game (lowest performer gets eliminated). All of the above champions will be played Mid/ADC only, with Riven being the only exception (Top).
Points: 41 4 comments
You're my step sister! Jul 27, 2019
a-are you sure we should be doing this?
Points: 9 1 comments
PYN for an HONEST opinion Jul 27, 2019
Lovelykiss - we met a while ago and if I was as active as I used to be on this site, we would probably be good friends now. I think you're new? I don't remember you being on this site back in the old days. Correct me if im wrong!

Jonmcgillis - tea and ive seen you around but never spoken to you :(

gabrieltrezza - love yu so much, when I joined the site in 2013 I made lots of friends but only a few that I really clicked with & you're one of them for sure. similar taste in music, designs, etc. In a site where 90% of the users are fat slops, it's refreshing to be able to talk with someone as genuine as you. We don't talk as much anymore on skype/sc, partly my fault because I suck at messaging people first. PLUS im never active on here anymore cause most of my friends left the site too :(

Thirteen - funny, genuine, entertaining. Love that you have a persona on here & your blogs are really creative too. I also really like your avatar :) You were the only person I could trust in stars & I hope we get to play together soon. Not much to say either than that, I'm not that active on here so I havent been making as many friends, I feel like had the site not died, you and I would've been closer.

bassmaster1013 - Never spoken to you but I think you're new, and I'm sure i've seen you around a few times. So welcome to Tengaged :)

mbarnish1 - I took peace123 's side when you and him fought because I was kicked from your chat for literally no reason & took major offense to that. And when I target someone on the blogs page I usually never stop, so I'm sorry if I scared you! I think you and connor are fine now & so I've also dropped all grudges, and I know that (as an ex-Tengaged celebrity) I need to get used to being an average civilian that gets kicked out of chats. I'm def not used to this sort of life but, I'm making progress.
Points: 53 6 comments
the economy is fucked when Jul 27, 2019
stars enrollment is cheaper than minimum shop price. randomize bring back 1t$ gifting u nasty cow
Points: 12 2 comments
what level Jul 27, 2019
did stars drop to?
Points: 9 3 comments