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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I have 32 common fears o.o

Jul 6, 2012 by TheSexiestDude990
I fear ...

[] Black people
[x] the dark
[] staying single forever
[] being a parent
[] being in front of others
[] open spaces
[x] closed places
[x] heights
[x] dogs *large ones in your face*
[] birds
[] fish
[x] spiders
[] flowers or other plants

Total so Far: 5

[] Fire
[x] deep water
[x] Snakes
[] silk
[x] the ocean
[] failure
[] success
[x] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[x] rats
[x] jumping from high places
[] snow

Total so Far: 11 (double digits already o.o)

[] rain
[] wind
[x] crossing hanging bridges
[x] death
[x] heaven
[x] being robbed/mugged/raped
[x] falling
[x] clowns
[x] dolls
[x] large crowds of people
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibilities
[x] doctors
[x] dentists
[x] tornadoes

Total so Far: 22 (It doubled O.O)

[x] hurricanes
[x] incurable diseases
[x] sharks
[] Friday the 13th
[] ghosts
[] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[x] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[x] being alone
[x] becoming blind
[x] becoming deaf
[] growing up
[] fairies/Edward Cullen
[x] creepy noises in the night
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[x] needles
[x] blood



I have 33 actually =S
Sent by EEstrada17,Jul 6, 2012
trains lol
Sent by Danielvk,Jul 6, 2012

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