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TheGreat's blog of utter randomness

Posts 156 posts

What makes a great group game? Jun 15, 2011
Well, I joined a few group games. I noticed a few things, and I know what helps me want to join... and I will try to have if I ever create one.

1. Official-ness: Well, a group game gets way better if the host a) talks the way Julie Chen or Jeff Probst etc. would.

2. Originality: This doesn't mean you can't use a Big Brother or Survivor format, heck that attracts me to groups even more. The challenges have to be original however and you can't copy anyone else's work. Even if they say you can, only copy one or two challenges.

3. Twists: Overloading a game with twists makes it too confusing. Not enough twists and it won't be fun. Just enough and it will be a great game.

4. 'Seasons': This means when you finish a game, a little while later you can start getting more players. Or make an All-Stars season.

These are just a few; feel free to post extra reasons in the comments, or things to add because I gladly will.
Points: 15 3 comments
ORANGE, BABY!!! Jun 10, 2011
After long, long last and my first second place in Castings, my plight has finally come to an end and I have bought my Orange!!! I have many people to shout out to, and I will do it gladly. If I miss anyone, or you want me to write up a shout out to you, I will gladly go ahead.

ChuckECheese: This will be mostly the same as my last shoutout, except we REALLY need to play a Rookies sometime. :P

ThePinnapleGod: We played a Rookies together(as the only people without designs :P) and became friends after we played a Castings. I'll be happy to play with you again.

Colostmyh: You, were my first and one of my best friends on this site. I know I betrayed you, and I'm sorry. I was playing the game and I did not want you to hate me. I hope you forgive me.

greyconverse: I joined my first ever group game with you. You sort of gave up on it and I was sad. I never left the group and I still hope you will continue.

UltimateBBFan: Mostly the same as last time, but I hope you get that nose off :(

Everyone I've ever made finals with: I think everyone I made the finals with I was allied with, thank you for staying loyal to me, I couldn't have done it without you guys.

Everyone I've ever beat: Once again, thank you for not beating me :P

Again, if you would like me to write a shout out to you, just PYN and it will appear shortly. Now for some Survivor...
Points: 28 4 comments
Tengaged idea: Twists Jun 6, 2011
I love Tengaged. But, the problem with the games is the only thing that's different are the people, and the winner. So, some games should have added twists.

These would be seperated into two groups, Game twists and Day twists. Game twists would affect the entire game from beginning to end (i.e no POV in an entire Casting), whereas Day twists would affect only one round (i.e two nom votes, but three nominees in Castings).
The way it would work is every time a game is created, a random number is generated. Let's say there's five different Game twists, there would be ten numbers. One to five are the normal game, unmodified from it is today, the other five are the different twists. The players will be told once the game starts what the twist is, with a popup similar to the help page for the different games.
Every in-game day a twist would be randomly selected, excluding the first day. However, the first day would not be affected by Day twists but will be subject to the Game twists.

I've got a few ideas for possible twists.
Fast Casting Game twists:
1. No POV (Final four drama much?)
2. Three noms (Two normal + one chosen by POV)
3. When tied, all tied players are nominated

Fast Casting Day Twists
1. Two votes, three noms
2. All the game twists for one ingame day

Rookies Game Twists
1. All evictees are jurors, not just F9
2. No POV

Rookies Day Twists
1. Vote for return
2. Diamond Veto

Duel Game Twists
1. Loser of Immunity challenge goes home
2. Duel edition of Redemption Island

Duel Day Twists
1. Game twist 1 except for one day
2. Three nominees
3. "Fake" elimination

Survivor Game twists
2. 8 or 9 player tribes
3. No individual immunity
4. 9 player merges

Survivor Day twists
1. Double elimination (2 from 1 tribe or 1 from each tribe)
2. Two votes

These are just ideas, because I didn't feel like thinking up any more. Feel free to add more.

On another note, you need to add quitting, so players who no longer want to play can leave, it would remove the player from the game, but instead of showing "XXth" it would show "Quit" and they would not receive their winnings.

I hope you take my suggestions into account, thank you :)
Points: 29 5 comments
There's no host in the Tengaged games Jun 6, 2011
So I will be the fill-in!
Points: 0 0 comments
Tengaged Hates Me Jun 5, 2011
Seriously! I've played 59 Castings, and I've won FOUR TIMES!
Points: 31 6 comments
You've got a great ally/friend in Castings Jun 1, 2011
And it's the Final Four. It's you two against the other two, who also are in an alliance. One of them gets the POV. You know you or you're ally are done for. Or not?
Example players: You, Ally, POV, Other Guy <--Yeah crappy names, but they're just examples.

Votes you would EXPECT:
You: Ally and Other Guy
Ally: You and Other Guy
Other Guy: You and Ally
The above puts the votes to everyone (other that POV) to 2. So the POV chooses two of them to nom, and then the votes are 3-3-2. Therefore, the POV for that round basically gets to choose the noms for the round.
POV: You and Ally

Now, I took a bold move one time. In the Final Four, were me, PinnapleGod, Cory, and GLTURNS. Me and Pinnaple had a deal for the final three, and I'm pretty sure Cory and GL had a deal too. Problem was, Cory had POV. I knew he'd nom me and Pinnaple, so I did the only think that could save us. I voted to nominate GLTURNS, and myself. That flipped the vote 4-2-2. Sadly it didn't work and I took 4th place nommed against Pinnaple for that game.

And even if it DID work, there's the possibility of the tie evicting you anyway.

BUT! It does have the potential to work, and the first game I got 4th in, I could have used that to possibly save my alliance with MisterX and me.

Now, that leads to two questions. Number 1, how many of you have tried this strategy and it worked?

Number 2, I knew the POV voted for me and Pinnaple, does that mean the algorithm takes in consideration who the POV voted for in deciding ties? I'd really like your thoughts on this. Thanks!
Points: 38 2 comments