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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Keys, what are they for?

May 10, 2011 by TheGreat
Hey, everyone. I'm kind of new here, annd I have a small question. When you click a key, what exactly happens? Thank you for all answers. I'm just not getting a straight answer when I ask in my game.


they just help you not get nominated
Sent by Piddu,May 10, 2011
Ahh. I see.
Sent by TheGreat,May 10, 2011
you want to try and get as many keys as possible because the more keys you have, the less likely it is that youll be nominated, but also, you have a better chance of winning.
Sent by sammyforeverr94,May 10, 2011
They help you escape the walls (:
Welcome By the way
Sent by SexyBanana,May 10, 2011
Thanks for the help guise!
Sent by TheGreat,May 10, 2011
Sent by nenalalala,May 10, 2011
Detour Task/U-Turn(Detour Task): Count how many characters are in each of the usernames who commented. For example, Piddu would be 5.

Detour Task/U-Turn(U-Turn): Once you have completed the task above, mail me a team you would like to U-Turn. A U-Turn is when a team chooses 1 other team to be forced to do the other challenge of the detour. In this case, they would have to go back to Cata's first blog and complete the task there AND the task above.

If the team you have chosen is in front of you in the leg however, they are NOT U-Turned and the U-Turn becomes useless. If the U-Turn has already been used once, it cannot be used again. You will not know if it has until you mail me a team you would like to U-Turn.
Sent by TheBookThief,Jul 26, 2011

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