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Posts 1303 posts

Doctor Who>The Office Aug 26, 2009
Doctor Who beats The Office big time! As does almost any other show on air! Also, can you plus this? I need it so I can be HoH.
Points: 0 0 comments
Second Game Over Aug 25, 2009
My second game has finished, and this time, I'm in second place! That's 18 places better than in my first game! I'm glad I made it to the end, and congrats to tb5595!
Points: 4 0 comments
Final Day! Aug 24, 2009
My second game (9504) is on its final day, and I'm in the final four (This time!)! All the other players have done great, and I wish them luck!
Points: 0 3 comments
My Second Game: Day Four Aug 22, 2009
Dang... One of the few people in my game who I liked (EcoFriendly) got voted off, and Joradan, who I guess was okay, got eliminated by the algorithm. Oh well, I'm sorry they had to go, but at least I'm one step closer to the top 10!

Ugh. Day four is moving insanely slowly...
Points: 1 0 comments
My Second Game Has Started! Aug 21, 2009
I'm finally in a new game, after my disastrous first game. Currently, we're on day three, and I haven't been nominated yet (big improvement over my last game!)!

Day 1 Splatt001 was voted out, while awesomeness was eliminated by the algorithm.  I never really got meet you ,awesomeness, and I would have liked to get to know you, but apparently the Universe has dictated that I won't quite yet. And Splatt, you seemed nice and I'm sorry you're off. If it's any consolation, I gave you a 1.

Day two was unimportant and dull.

Today is annoying. One person I like is up for eviction, but my alliance wants them to go. What do I do? Betray the alliance, or vote off one of the few people in the game I like?
Points: 7 1 comments
Game Over Aug 20, 2009
My first game is finally finished! Neither Adam or Russ won, so I is sad... On the bright side, I can join a new game!
Points: 0 0 comments