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The TCyr's blog

Posts 10 posts

i need a bit of help, :) Oct 2, 2009
i won't to know if it is possible to burn my own music cd of all diffrent songs from billy talent to motley crue on to 1 cd?
if it is, can some one tell me how i can do this, i know people can burn dvds but i want to burn a cd. please help me figure out how to do this :)
Points: 5 1 comments
time keeps going faster and faster.... Sep 25, 2009
well things have been busy with school, music and family. i remeber when the days felt like weeks and now the months are flying by. days fell like hours and weeks fell like days, i just wish there was more time to do stuff. i'm excited to hear what the cd will sound like and i have tons to do, where can a guy get some extra time to do stuff :)

on another note i was evicted from 2 more games, the first i came in 5th place ONE AWAY FROM FINAL 4!!! (lol) and the other i came in 10th, i almost have enough for color level yellow. well looks like things change weather it be good or bad i guess we all have to except it...
Points: 1 1 comments
sunday O_o Sep 20, 2009
well the long week end is over which was full of musical fun :D
i just finished up my homework and now i'm relaxing for tomorrow and the school i started a new casting game which is in day 3 right now
i havn't been put on the block yet so i still have my fingers crossed. maybe soon i will be able to play in rookies.
Points: 5 0 comments
i'm at the studio Sep 19, 2009
the drummer has to record the pieces individual so this might take awhile, even though theres only 5 songs this is hard work!
i broke my bass the other day so i've been using my friends bass and the studios 5 string. the lead guitarist is going back tomorrow to fix up some things and record the piano.
i also meet Joshuas habit's drummr and bassits yesterday they said they like somes songs for the most part and they gave us hints for when were playing and the funny thing is they don't read music either thats because they learned of tabs like i did. another funny thing is i thought the bassit how to play with 3 fingers. but they showed us alot of stuff :D
Points: 10 2 comments
i've been evicted, lol!!! Sep 18, 2009
well i was at the studio too long and i missed the eviction which happened to be mine, LOL
on a good note i will start in another game later and the studios is digging what we've played so far, i'm thinking of going with the drummer and rythem guitar huy on sturday just for fun :D
Points: 10 1 comments
september 17/09 Sep 17, 2009
well i have tomorrow(friday)off plus i'm going to the musci studio today, i will be recording the bass line for the songs today and my friend will record the vocals and guitar, the drummer and rythem guitar is recording there stuff saturday and we'll take it from there....
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