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Sugar's Sweet Blog of Sweetness

Posts 10 posts

Survivor Matchups Dec 21, 2010
In a physical challenge... Who would win?

Team 1:                 
Boston Rob

Team 2:
Tina W.

So which team would win???
Points: 6 5 comments
Who are your top 5 favorite players of all time on Survivor? Jun 14, 2010
imageName your top 5 favorite survivor players of all time. And also name what season they were in.
Points: 0 1 comments
Dumbest Move Ever Jun 12, 2010
imageSo I know that America voted that JT made the dumbest move ever, but who do you think did?

JT- Gave a hidden immunity idol to Russell, and was voted off because of it.

James- Voted off with two hidden immunity idols.

Tyson- Switched his vote to Parvati from Russell, and because of that was voted off by Russell.

Colby- Chose the wrong person to go up against him in the final 2.

Erik- Gave up immunity in final 5, and then was betrayed and voted off.
Points: 73 13 comments
Who Really is the Best? Jun 12, 2010
imageWho is really the best player out of these two? Vote now!
Points: 46 13 comments