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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

George Steinbrenner on SNL in 1990

Jul 13, 2010 by SonOfTheBronx
(Steinbrenner was Carl, Hartman was Pete)

Carl: It's just I can't.. I can't fire people, it's not in my nature.

Pete: You can't keep saying that. If an employee isn't delivering what you expect of them, you have to fire them!

Carl: Why? Where is it written if you don't get results right away, you fire people? What kind of asinine policy is that?

Pete: Carl! It's just good business!

Carl: That's where you're wrong! It's not good business! You can't have people worried all the time that they'll be fired if they make one mistake. That's lunacy! Only a jackass would run his business that way!

Pete: Carl, this is the way it works: an unsatisfied owner fires people!

Carl: A stupid owner! A stupid, arrogant, shortsighted owner. The kind of guy who blames everybody but himself! How would you like it every time something went wrong, I just blamed you, the supervisor, huh? Let's just fire the supervisor! Then I'll hire some other guy, and something would go wrong and I'd fire him, and I'd probably rehire you! Then fire you again, bring in someone else, then fire him and rehire you again! Then fire and hire, back and forth until the whole thing's just a big joke! Is that the kind of owner you want? Some yammering nincompoop in a fancy suit? No way you take that road, 'cause before you know it, you'll probably be banned from running the entire company.

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