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The SmileyTaffy's blog

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Digimon BIg Brother-Nominations Sep 30, 2013

The nominees are

Tentomon and Patamon are safe from eviction now Tentomon will make an important choice that will affect the game.

"I choose to save, I am so sorry this is for strategic reasons. Gabumon and Palmon
Gabumon and Palmon rise from their nomination seats and are congratulated by their fellow housemates.


One of you will be evicted, that is all.
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Digimon Big Brother-Daily Show 2 Sep 30, 2013
All the digimon wake up except for Agumon who decides to sleep in and disobey Big Brother. BIg Brother asks Agumon directly to wake up but still, he refuses. Big Brothen they has no choice but to strike fear into Agumon saying that he would be automatically evicted. The other Digimon look on trying to get him up. Agumon finally wakes up feeling woozy. Palmon and Tentomon are asked to go to the diary room.


"Tentomon, Palmon so nice of you to join me. Being 4 days into the Big Brother house I would like to know your thoughts on the other Digimon"

Agumon-He's like the alpha male in this house but also at the same time he can be nice and stubborn.

Gabumon-He's really nice and caring but I think he is playing the game very much and it is so visible! he needs to know that.

Patamon-He's really cute but is a strong contender in this game, he has a fun personality, kinda like a little brother.

Gatomon-She really is a cat if she doesn't get her way she gives you a cat stare!

Biyomon-She is great and fun but I think I don't like her very much she tries to suck up to people in her little group and thats not on come talk to us for a little bit!


Big Brother explains, In this competition you will read over a sheet saying facts about Isaac and Big Brother will ask you questions and if your answer is wrong you are eliminated last one standing wins PoV.


Question 1. Favourite Ice-Cream flavour?
C.Cookies and Cream

Gabumon A

The answer was "C"

Agumon, Biyomon and Tentomon you are through to the next round!


The winner of PoV is Tentomon!!!!

Tentomon is congratulated and has a big choice tomorrow.
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Digimon BIg Brother-Eviction Sep 30, 2013

Isaac is seen on the television and is greeted by the Digimon who are all nervous Isaac then says that the evictee must leave immediately.

Isaac then says "The first nominee saved from eviction is


Palmon goes to the couch and is congratulated

Isaac goes on "The next person saved is TENTOMON" Tentomon is relieved and is joined by his fellow housemates

"Ok it's crunch time its time to go"....."Gomamon"

Gomamon look's bummed by says his goodbyes and leaves the house all the housemates are sad but keep positive.
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Digimon BIg Brother-Nominations Sep 30, 2013

Big Brother gathers all the housemates in the lounge and explains all the rules of nominations.


Big Brother reads out the Nominee list..

The Nominees are.....

Now Biyomon will chose the 2 people she saves from eviction

Biyomon chooses Gabumon and Patamon

Both nominees are congratulated by their fellow housemates
The nominees are

Tommorow one of you will be evicted That is all from Big Brother.
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Digimon Big Brother-Daily Show 1 Sep 30, 2013
Soft calming music plays in the bedroom, all the housemates wake up in the bed room looking dazed and still tired but Big Brother tells the housemates that a PoV competition will be held today and before that Big Brother tells the Digimon that there is a welcome breakfast in the kitchen. Gabumon jumps out of his bed and runs to the kitchen followed by Agumon and Patamon. "Wow" Gabumon exclaims as he see's pancakes, bacon, eggs and sausages. Patamon dose not waste anytime and starts to get all the plates out and serves himself 5 pancakes and 2 sausages avoiding the Bacon and eggs for a strange reason. Patamon quickly stuffs his face while most of the other Digimon look on, Patamon then shouts "I will eat it all if you guys aren't hungry", all the Digimon rush to the table and serve themselves except for Biyomon who dry's herself off after her shower.


Big Brother explains, "In this competition games and challenges will be set and must be accomplished to move on to the next round, the winner will be awarded with the power to change the nominations by saving 2 Digimon from nominations and will be invincible from being nominated.

All the Digimon agree and gear up for their first challenge

In this challege the Digimon must debate a topic given by Big Brother secretly.


Big Brother reveals that today's PoV competition will not have rounds but instead the winner will be announced immediately

The winner of PoV is .............


Everyone congratulates Biyomon and Big Brother repeats all the prizes that are won by Biyomon
Biyomon understands and then celebrates with her fellow housemates.
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Digimon Big Brother-Premier Sep 30, 2013
Welcome to Digimon Big Brother live from the digital world!!

I am your host Isaac

Tonight 8 Digimon will enter and not knowing each other at all, they will make alliances have battles, competitions and much more... THIS IS DIGIMON BIG BROTHER!

All the Digimon enter the Big Brother house and meet and greet. After all the Digimon getting to know each other Big Brother gives the contestants a tour of the Big Brother house.

When the housemates get to the bedroom Palmon quickly grabs the double bed saying "I have night terrors, I need a double bed"

All the Digimon stare at Palmon but all agree politely except for Gatomon who gives Palmon a death stare then walks away.

Big Brother then reveals to the Digimon that nomination, evictions and PoV competitions will be held on certain days that the Digimon will learn about soon.

The Digimon are then asked to gather in the lounge and look at the television where they are all greeted by Isaac who tells them that nominations will be held in two days all the digimon gasp and look stunned, the television is then turned off.

How was that for the premier of the Digimon Big Brother stay tuned for more action.
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