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My Diary :)

Posts 11849 posts

Who do you want to win TrippleXXX,or Buddyalc? Aug 19, 2009
Points: 24 5 comments
Alison Groder needs to be fired!!! anyone agree ?? Aug 19, 2009
i hate that bitch!
Points: 0 3 comments
PLEASE i need 1 more T$ to get orange level please comment and plus!!! Aug 19, 2009
Points: 39 10 comments
No title Aug 16, 2009
imageChima didn’t hate men when they were in power. She attached herself to them. Her sexual banter with Russell became uncomfortable at times. I didn’t feel he wanted anything to do with her, but was trying to be careful of her feelings. The minute – the second – Chima realized she could not control Russell, she lashed out. Her way of playing the victim. What Russell called her on was true. . She did want Russell to be back-doored in week two. Should he have cornered her? No. Did he know that? No.

She flew off the handle to take the focus off what was actually being said. She was wrong. She knew it. She needed to divert the attention off her and make Russell look like the bad guy. And she did. To get in a man’s face – or anyone’s for that matter – is unbelievably out-of-control. But, I believe this has worked for her in the past. When she knew that he wasn’t going to back down, she started throwing personal barbs at him. Of course, he responded in kind.

Here’s the thing, people say things in the heat of the moment. I get that. But tossing around words like “terrorist” to a person of Middle Eastern descent is beyond a normal response. Her true colors – and beliefs – came flying out, slapping everyone, including the viewers, in the face on the way.

When Russell let everyone know about her sexual advances, telling them about how she figured out how to get away from the cameras, she was embarrassed. Her only response was to make sure that everyone knew what a misogynist Russell was. Fail.

Chima was smug, to say the least, when she won the HOH competition the next week. It was hard to believe how full of herself she was. She had control. Everyone must do what she says. She’s the only one who sees the way things really are. Over and over she berated Russell for putting Ronnie up because it was personal (although I think it was pretty strategic). But, when she nominated Russell, it was perfectly fine. What’s good for the goose isn’t good for the gander.

While America knew that Jeff possessed the Coup D’etat, the house guests were unaware of who truly had it. Chima repeatedly told everyone in the house, that they better not use it – or else.


Or else what? You have no power. The point of the HOH is to nominate two people for eviction and then if the POV is used, to make a replacement nomination. She nominated Russell and Lydia and the POV was not used. Her control was over, just as it had been for every other HOH before her. Oh, but this is different. This is Chima’s reign over the house. Apparently, it’s never ending.

She talked smack about every single person in the house. She repeatedly called Russell a “terrorist”. She stated that “America hates Middle Easterners”, so it’s fine. Huh? What made her statements even more reprehensible is that she is a person of color. Black people have been persecuted just for the color of their skin for hundreds of years and she pulls out this card? I imagine that black folks aren’t stoked at having Chima as their spokesman. I know that I, as an American, didn’t like her speaking for me. I was repulsed by her behavior and hatred. And even more so by CBS’s editing of her. Shame, shame, CBS.

The night before evictions, she pounded her plan of an all-girl alliance into Natalie, Lydia and even Michelle’s head once again. Ad nauseum. Repeatedly saying that if someone uses the Coup, she will go off and, yet again, how all the men in the house “hate women”. Chima hijacked the live feeds for days with her repeated threats to production that she “would ruin their show”. So much so that the producers and CBS decided to tape their live show. They catered to her whims. They handed her control. She knew it and we, the viewers, knew it.

While it hasn’t been confirmed by CBS yet, and probably won’t until the next live show, whether she quit or was physically removed doesn’t really matter. What matters is that someone with entitlement issues as big as my ranch, has been taken down a peg. My guess is that she won’t get the help she truly needs and will blame everyone else but herself as she has done the entire season. As a woman, I am grateful that someone is not on national television, or on-air anywhere, spouting extremely racist remarks, full-on hating men and behaving like a three year old with no respect for anything or anyone around her.

Jeff was correct when he said that people would kill to have the opportunity the house guests have. It’s true. Chima is a person who is so full of hate and entitlement that it got the better of her. So much so, she threw away a chance to win $500,000 because she didn’t get her way, because someone had the nerve to go against her in a GAME. Oh, and because they ate her Cheetos. To be fair though, I heard they were power flavored
Points: 0 5 comments
Anyone else hate those loser kids who share there houses on MTV? lol Aug 16, 2009
there so stupid no one cares about your lives, ur shit nothing ur dad is rich and im tired and sick of it
Points: 11 2 comments
Would you watch Big brother 12 if it was BB 10 and 11 put togethor into 1 season?? Aug 16, 2009
Points: 7 2 comments