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The SPI7Fan's blog

Posts 68 posts

My Plans for Becoming Yellow Apr 19, 2010
Well if I win this game somehow, I really have all the karma I need plus, I know by the time the game is over, I will have over 10 $T and hopefully that'll be enough. If I don't win as long as I place high in this second game then I know I can become yellow. Castings is a little draggy as of late, I still love it though. I just want to get to Rookies so I can play my country's version of BB!
Points: 11 1 comments
Final 8 Apr 19, 2010
Seriously? I can't believe I made it even this far in my first game. This overall experience is just so incredible. I can't wait to find out how this is gonna end. I'm hoping for the best and I really hope I make it to the Final 4. Till the next day change, SPI7Fan!
Points: 11 2 comments
A New Game, A New Start Apr 19, 2010
Today I completed my enrollment. Up to this point I had no idea you could be in more than one game at once and here I think I'm doing a lot better. I found my first key today! I'm so happy about that. I think this is really a new game and a new start.
Points: 37 1 comments
Final 10 Apr 18, 2010
I can't believe this I made it to a point I get karma as well. Hopefully I get out of this nomination I'm in. I did good on a challenge for like the first time so that give me hope.
Points: 17 1 comments
Top 12 Apr 17, 2010
I can't believe I've made it this far! I'm so excited now to know I'm getting something out of this experience. I know I've only played one game but these little things really do make a difference here! I'm loving every minute of this experience and I hope I make it to the final four!
Points: 7 1 comments
First Nomination Apr 17, 2010
I was nominated for the first time on Day 3 yesterday and I was so nervous but I made it and I'm so happy. I know I have a long way to go to get to the end but I really want to make it to the end and win!
Points: 0 0 comments