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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Gay Rights

Jun 15, 2015 by Quill
I truly pity those who do not support gay rights. Whatever "educational institutions" the bigots attend are doing a really terrible job at opening the minds of their students and teaching them acceptance and any moral values.

The worst excuse is: "Don't hate me because I'm homophobic, I can believe what I want!!!" Uh, you're the one being totally close-minded and discriminatory purely because of the way someone was BORN. People have the right to hate on you for being RAISED into such an uneducated, bigoted person. Who gives a FUCK who wants to marry who? Let them do it.

A loving, caring, homosexual marriage is hated upon, but a violent, cheating, fighting, on-the-verge-of-divorce heterosexual marriage is supported by these retards? Oh my lord.

I am so excited that children are much more open and supportive than people who claim to be educated, the next generation is going to be so much more loving and compassionate, I can't wait.

I am only making this post because I saw the idiotic post runnin_thru_the6 made saying gay rights are sinful and wrong, yet his opinion should be respected. I truly pity whatever "college" you attend, you claim it's good but hot damn you are one moron if I ever saw one. Wasn't God the only one who was allowed to judge? Wasn't Jesus' mission to spread love? Then why is it your mission to cause divides in society and ban people from love? LMAO

As Mitsuko pointed out in one of my games with her, the whimsically beautiful thing about the constitution is that is was purposefully left vague so that it could be altered and changed in the future. The future is now, and supporting marriages of all types is a fantastic way to bring everyone together for a harmonious society.


Sent by rowan22,Jun 15, 2015
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015
waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait, you are telling me quill that i dont have the right to disagree with gay people, but gay people have the right to not only disagree, but HATE me because they dont agree with me? you cant make a statement like that were one side has the right to hate and the other side doesnt have the right to disagree, that is simply moronic, and btw the ones who dont agree with gay marriege arnt pushing the issue, if people like you would except and respect the fact that not everyone agrees with gay marriage this debate wouldnt have to be so personal, and just cause you disagree with someone doesnt mean you hate them, and all of this "loving and compassion" that the new generation has will bring the downfall of any morality that is left in this world, we have the right to free speech, and you an anybody else who thinks you have the right to hate people who disagree then you are the one who is f***ed up not me or @runnin_thur_the6
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
and another thing, God told us to love one another, but he also preached that men and women were supposed to wed not men and men, and yr least favorite excuse? who says that? no one you are putting words into people mouths,just cause one guy says that doesnt mean all anti- gay marriage are like that, if you say yes they are cause that one guys said it and its basically what all of you believe and say, then does the one Islamist who says if you arent Islam  then you deserve to die reflect everyone in his religion? noooooo!!!!!! you are an atheist who doesnt understand God, morality or the bible and you rly want to pretend you do
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
God doesn't exist, LMAO, he didn't tell you ANYTHING.
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015
And yes I DO believe that they have the right to hate you because you're a terrible, judgemental person, yet you don't have the right to hate them because they are born a certain way.

You CHOOSE to be hateful, they are BORN to be hated.
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015
I understand morality WAY more than you, you're the one wishing loving people to not marry
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015
YOU CHOSE TO BE HATEFUL! and if you think people who think differently than you deserve to be hated you dont know morality as well as you think
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
I am not hateful at all, I love all people who are intelligent, open-minded, and accepting- religious or not. My immediate family is extremely religious but they also support marriage of all people who love one another XtremeNerd you should learn from them. Love is love.
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015
and right is right and wrong is wrong, you just accused people like me to be judgmental, yet you say you are nice to people who open-minded and intelligent, those implying you have a criteria in which  you judge others and deem them civilized and "accepting" tell yr family to read the new  testament Romans 1:27 which states "In  the same way way men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another men committed indecent acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion"
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
I am judgemental of fucking idiots who are judgemental of others FOR NO REASON, I would say I do not judge about 90% of the world population. You are in the 10% of close-minded, bible-banging people (who can't even spell, might I add) that follows a goddamn book for guidance and hides behind the cross to completely hate on people who are born a certain way. PLEASE get off my page, I don't want to infect your stupidity.
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015
y did you delete my last post?
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
Because you DO hate gay people, stop spreading lies. My post is at +62, yours at -43 LMAO
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015
btw i dont have any hard feelings yr opinion is yr opinion
Sent by XtremeNerd,Jun 15, 2015
As much as I say I don't have hard feelings, I just hate to see someone go out of their way to campaign against other people's right to lovingly elope. It absolutely blows my mind. But I don't hate you, I hate your opinions.
Sent by Quill,Jun 15, 2015

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