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The PumpkinPi's blog

Posts 20 posts

*~'-...- * New Game *-...-'~* Sep 3, 2009
Woo Hoo! I just started my second game. So far everyone seems like an awesome group. Very friendly and chatty.. for the moment. If the last game taught me anything it's that I can't be so trusting and nice when I play on here. They all have claws and they all want to win. I just have to watch my back. I will definitely be more careful with who I trust and the gossip I listen to. In the meantime, I am gonna just relax and have a good time. Hopefully, that's what they are thinking too! Fill you in more later..
Points: 39 5 comments
I got the boot Sep 2, 2009
Well I got the boot. :(( It was a lot of fun though. Tricky lil monkeys certainly know how to play, and they play dirty. They know how to work the room and get everyone turning on each other. lol. I have to work harder on being cut throat and mean. :P Good luck to everyone left.. you guys are awesome!
Points: 44 5 comments
6 and still kicking Sep 1, 2009
Day six hit and I am still around. I haven't been nominated for eviction yet. PHEW. I don't think I will be so lucky the next time since the conspire rs are hard at work to eliminate the undesirables. and guess what?? I am the undesirable!! LOL. It has been a really good game so far and I expect that drama will soon once again cut loose and unleash all hell's furry. sooooo cool! LOL
Points: 1 1 comments
Day 5.. so it begins Sep 1, 2009
The claws are coming out people, and I am being negged left and right. The two against me have formed an all too obvious alliance and they are throwing out the negs to all those not into their group. LOL. I am not sure how much longer I am going to last. I am so happy that I made it this far though. I still have some really nice people that will chat with me and even the "neg" people are funny as heck in the chat rooms.. so I almost forgive them. :-P
Points: 1 0 comments
Day 4, having a blast. Aug 31, 2009
Some of the people in my game room are sooo fun and I love chatting with them. I am not sure how long I am going to last in here but I will keep chatting and voting for everyone else until the end. I am already seeing some people as my favorites, as I tend to like the friendlier mature people. There are a lot of younger people here so that is probably my biggest disadvantage. Although I like chatting with all people, it is almost as if some feel I am intruding on their fun. Sweet lil old me... ?? That's just crazy! I will keep you posted..
Points: 2 3 comments
More people gone.. on to day 3 Aug 30, 2009
It's hard voting for people to leave when you haven't really got a reason to see them gone. I am just trying to look over who is posting and chatting and decide from there. You can't always focus on who is being the most annoying because the room would be boring without them there. lol. I am trying to pick people to leave that are just not participating. Hopefully that is a strategy that proves effective to making it to the end with some excitement. So far it's a great time. Later :)
Points: 2 2 comments