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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Voting out Active over Inactive

Jan 3, 2010 by Pete
I'm fairly new to this site and have played in a few games and something I've noticed that gets on my nerves is the amount of times that people will vote out active people over people who are inactive, this includes keeping people who are banned.

Now I can understand getting rid of some active people sometimes but when someone who was banned before the first day actually started makes the final four, that's just wrong

Anyone else agree with me?


People only do it so that they can get farther on. Because the people who don't do the challenge will just take up nomination spaces, thus, making it easier to avoid nominations. 

I think that this is one reason why Castings is now free.
Sent by Sass21,Jan 3, 2010
exactly wat sass said!! but the crappy part is a banned player just one my casting over us when she was banned half way thru and we carried her till end!
Sent by Jdsolo24,Jan 3, 2010
see that's why this shouldn't happen, especially earlier on in the game. I've been eliminated over a banned player and people who were inactive in general and it is annoying. I wanna play and can't because of this
Sent by Pete,Jan 3, 2010
It's easier to win against them.
Sent by Nikkayy,Jan 3, 2010
but thats a cowardly way to win
Sent by Pete,Jan 3, 2010
I completely agree with you in theory...

But I'm still guilty have stringing along inactves to get out threats. :( +4
Sent by MikeNIkers,Jan 3, 2010
voting out actives over inactives SOMETIMES is okay because you gotta get threats out, but when you specifically keep someone to the end to get an easy win, then you are a coward, end of story
Sent by Pete,Jan 3, 2010
Bah - it's just smart gaming, really.  It's probably pretty silly to let one into the final 4, but otherwise - it just makes sense.  You never know when it might be you that would be nommed if that inactive wasn't there - especially with the luck fest that is DoND.
Sent by Noontar,Jan 3, 2010

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