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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Premades = Fun for Panda

Aug 16, 2010 by Panda
Ok, first of all, what the fuck?  A few days ago, with all of my naivety and innocence, joined a Rookies by myself.  I was having a grand old time and tried making alliances right of the bat.  I soon found out that there was a 6 person premade in my game (who managed to get the random HoH), and I was soon booted out the door with a 9th place.

Now, this wouldn't bother me as much if they weren't such dicks about it!

From day 1, I was trying to be as pleasant as possible, trying to talk to everyone and get to know them in PMs, etc.  I soon found out through some investigating that I had a possible 5-6 person premade on my hands.  I was then nominated for alerting someone I thought wasn't in the premade (who actually was), that there was a premade.  I was then evicted because I supposedly "twisted someone's words" and said that they called Skyy a "backstabber and manipulator" and not just a backstabber, as the post said.

All that day, they continuously ignored me and bullied me, calling me a dirty liar and basically ganging up on me and insulting me.  Every time I would try and speak up to them afterwards, they would ignore me entirely, even in casual conversation.  They also took my friendliness as trying to make alliances with everyone and started to say bad things about me for that, with Skyy posting PMs I sent to her in the public chat as some sort of incriminating evidence of my friendliness.  They also taunted me after telling me I was getting evicted.

So, yeah.  My first Rookies was pretty fun.


lol cool story :)
Sent by GurlBai,Aug 16, 2010
lol cool story :)
Sent by cubs0707,Aug 16, 2010
But it's ok, because I still love you Silly Panda :D
Sent by jslink21,Aug 16, 2010
well it's just a game good luck
Sent by Macanese,Aug 16, 2010
sorry but you were with all sides
Sent by skyy,Aug 16, 2010
ouch i know how you feel... I hate eing stuch alonewith stupid premades! and some of the people you mentioned are some of the most annoying people on this site!
Sent by arnoldo,Aug 16, 2010
I don't think u were getting taunted about leaving panda. I also don't know/think there is a 6 person premade in there? The only time you were ignored was straight after the 'drama' when we all decided to move on and u kept trying to bring it up, after that I don't think you were (although i went offline soon after).
Sent by Milanchamp,Aug 16, 2010
Mate I understand you are frustrated you came 9th but I feel i need to clear a few things! You asked me for an alliance and I said yes, then you pmed the first HOH and warned them about me working with skyy! (If we were in an alliance why would you do that) Then i nommed you and Summerlove who was another person in your alliance. And then you sold her out and threw her under the busy by telling me that she said that Skyy "was a manipulator and backstabber" but you forgot to mention that Summer didnt call her these things, she heard about it from other people! (And obviouslt these things are not true) Then you kept on posting on the Public Forum how horrible Summer is, and that she should go and its all lies!! I kept on commenting on it and said I was unsure and you constantly kept on commenting and commenting and then I gave up replying to you as you couldnt see things from my point of view!! I just dont appreciate this blog as you make yourself out to be the victim and really the victim is Summer Love! I liked you as a person until I read this blog!!

By the way the premade wasnt 6 people!!!!
Sent by sakwilla,Aug 16, 2010
:'( Can't win everything.

Sent by Spinach,Aug 18, 2010
I still love you Baby Panda! =)
Sent by Plazer,Aug 19, 2010

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