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OrngSumb's blogBlog

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Nov 21, 2010 by OrngSumb
What is your salad dressing of choice: Ranch
What is your favorite sit down restaurant: City Limits
What is your favorite fast food restaurant: Subway
What food could you get for weeks and never get sick of: Pizza
What are your pizza toppings of choice: Sausage, pepperoni, ham, bacon, pineapple, extra cheese
What color cell phone do you have: grey
Are you right handed or left handed?: Left
Have you ever had anything removed from your body: Nope
What was the last heavy item you lifted: Headboard
If it were possible, would you want to know the date of the day you were going to die: No, I want to be unaware so I don't plan around it
If you could change your name, what would you change it to: Alexander
Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000: Sure!
How many pairs of flip flops do you own: 2
Last time you had a run in with the cops: Last year.
Last person you talked to: Russ
Last person you hugged: Probably Serge and Miles
Season: Summer
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Day of the week: Friday.
Month: June
Missing someone: Very much so.
Mood: Bleh
What are you listening to: Circle The Drain by Katy Perry
Watching: My laptop
Worrying about: School
First place you went this morning: Upstairs
Whats the last movie you watched: The Illusionist
Do you smile often: Yes, all due to a special person.
Do you always answer your phone: No
If you could change your eye color what would it be: I would not change them.
Do you own a digital camera: Yeah
Have you ever had a pet fish: Yep
What's on your wish for your birthday: Probably dorm stuff
Can you do push ups: Yes.
Can you do chin ups: Mmhmm.
Does the future make you more nervous or excited: Equal amounts.
Do you have any saved texts: No.
Do you have an accent: No
Name three things you bought yesterday: Nothing!
Have you ever been given roses: No
Current hate right now: Some of the cast.
Met someone who changed your life: YES
What song represents you: I have no idea.
Would you go back into time if you could: Maybe
Have you ever dated someone longer then a year: No
Does anyone love you: No clue
What songs do you sing in the shower: All kinds.
Ever had someone sing to you: No.
Do you like to cuddle: I be a cuddleslut
Have you held hands with anyone today: No
Who was the last person you took a picture with: Ashley
What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school: I have no clue
Are most of the friends in your life new or old: Medium.
Do you like pulpy orange juice: Kinda
Have you ever ridden a camel: Yep.
Last time you ate a peanut better and jelly: A few days ago
What were you doing at 12 AM last night: Lying in bed and texting.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up: "Do I have to get up?"


Please click my button:

It's for a shot at Stars! I really really really want this and I promise I will not let any of you down if you vote for me!!!! This is a dream of mine ever since joining Tengaged about a month and a half ago and it would make me so happy!!! I know most of you probably think I have no shot just because I'm light green, but I ask you to take a risk on me and I will win!!!

Thanks! Plussed!
Sent by BOBROCKS333,Nov 21, 2010
+10 <3333
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Nov 21, 2010
Sent by Johnsmith32,Nov 21, 2010

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