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Posts 22 posts

I NEED HELP PLZ Sep 22, 2009
Points: 15 2 comments
Karma 1.0 Sep 10, 2009
imageAt this day in age, you would think that people would look pass stupid things like race, sexual orientation, and wealthiness to name a few. But nonetheless many people want to act they are better just cause they can do something better than another person. Even if you are rich and live in a big mansion.... that doesnt make you any better than some bum on the street. Now if you are more generous and nice and kind than maybe you are better than a sociopath who doesnt help anyone. But that doesnt mean that you shouldnt give them just as much respect as you would give anyone else. Treat everyone how you want to be treated.
Points: 53 5 comments
Mr.greatness Sep 2, 2009
Hey guys its tyler If u think lil wayne and drake is awesome then plus
Points: 24 4 comments
First design Sep 2, 2009
please go plus my design
Points: 0 1 comments
What is wrong... Aug 31, 2009
imageWith this world? I always knew that everyone in this entire world was cold hearted....This weekend i went to carowinds ....... and i got severely dehydrated while i was there.... when we were on ur way back to the motel we were staying at.... our van suddenly broke down for no reason.... so we had to walk 8 miles to another motel so we can sleep.... not even one person stopped to ask if we were ok....... the police didnt even stop..... i am truly sickened to be alive when all these people care about is themselves...... well dying wouldnt be too bad compared to the alternative of living with all these narcissistic people........ Im sure that everyone has had been in a situation like this..... tell me if u have
Points: 50 8 comments
Where is all the love? Aug 26, 2009

Seems like the only thing people use tengaged for anymore is to discourage people, to argue, or just to be an asshole,..... we all need to just forgive one another...
Points: 48 14 comments