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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

What to Do If Your Alliance Votes You Out.

Aug 28, 2011 by OhhSnapItsArii
First day in the new big Brother house, and I made an alliance with three people. I hadn't said much, but I had seven votes against me on the first day. Tell me about a target! I decided to ask my alliance for help. Three votes couldn't help me much, but at least I knew they would have tried for me. So then the eviction comes around. I'm waiting patiently, praying that I wasn't out yet! I wondered if I would stay or not, and so then when I looked at the vote, it was me! I was out, which I can deal with. No biggy. The problem I had, was that the votes were 11 to 1. Juna, my opponent, had only one vote against her. I assume that one alliance member I was friends with, was the one vote to keep me. That meant that my alliance or two members had lied to me about saving me.

Things to do when your alliance gets you out?
1. Pretend it was a compliment. Say things to yourself like "They couldn't risk having me there. I was too much of a threat."
2. Pray that you get to be in another game with them. Backdoor them after.
3. Be optimistic like a freak on drugs, and say, "Oh this is great! I was so lucky to be in the Big Brother house! I'm so happy to have gotten this oppertunity!"
4. Join another game and take out all your anger on people who you've never met. (:

For more tips, message me ( :


Yeah... wHat do you do...
Sent by ising06,Aug 29, 2011

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