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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Millionaires Chat - Random BB

Aug 16, 2012 by NiceCote
ajg31397 (Anthony)
NiceCote (Curtis)
FrOntIeRpSyChIaTrIsT (Dav)
dav_o_79 (Dave)
#RiDsTeR (Devin)
BengalBoy (Dru)
2cool4school (Gary)
Playboyy (Jacob)
jakel0vespicklerr (Jake)
jenzie (Jen)
HeavyRain (Jimmy)
JoePawsh (Joe)
Party (Josh)
karim (Karim)
VoLcOmVaNs (Kevin)
IamKingMac (Mac)
stoner_ (Kiren)
lindb (Lind)
Lilfamousz516 (Luis)
MattyBB9 (Matty)
MikeRORO (Mike)
MrMinaj (Matt)
JUM40BUM40 (Jack)
Danger (RJ)
XRyn0618 (Ryan)
Lockie (Stephen)
#Donkeystalker (Tyler)

Week 1
HoH - Jack
Nom - Devin & Anthony
Veto - Matty (Used on Devin)
Nom - Dru & Anthony
Evict - Anthony (13-11)

Week 2
HoH - Ryan
Nom - Jimmy & Luis
Veto - Mac (Didn't use)
Evict - Jimmy (20-3)

Week 3
HoH - Kiren
Nom - Jack & Kevin
Veto - Mike (Used on Jack)
Nom - Devin & Kevin
Evict - Devin (22-0)

Week 4
HoH - Jake
Nom - Karim & Matty
Veto - RJ (Didn't use)
Evict - Matty (18-3)

Week 5
HoH - Lind
Nom - Jacob & Josh
Veto - Jack (Used on Jacob)
Nom - Luis & Josh
Evict - Luis (16-4)

Week 6
HoH - Josh
Nom - Curtis & Mac
Veto - Matt (Didn't use)
Evict - Mac (19-0)

Week 7
HoH - Matt
Nom - RJ & Kevin
Veto - Jack (Used on Kevin)
Nom - RJ & Kiren
Evict - RJ (17-1)

Week 8
HoH - Stephen
Nom - Dave & Jen
Veto - Jake (Used on Jen)
Nom - Dave & Dru
Evict - Dave (9-8)

Week 9
HoH - Tyler
Nom - Josh & Ryan
Veto - Jack (Didn't use)
Evict - Josh (13-3)

Week 10
HoH - Ryan
Nom - Jake & Joe
Veto - Kiren (Didn't use)
Evict - Jake (11-4)

Week 11
HoH - Lind
Nom - Dru & Tyler
Veto - Kiren (Used on Tyler)
Nom - Dru & Karim
Evict - Dru (9-5)

Week 12
HoH - Karim
Nom - Gary & Mike
Veto - Mike (Used on self)
Nom - Gary & Kevin
Evict - Kevin (12-1)

Week 13
HoH - Jen
Nom - Stephen & Dav
Veto - Jack (Used on Stephen)
Nom - Matt & Dav
Evict - Dav (10-2)

TWIST - One player from last five eliminated gets to come back and is immediately crowned HoH

Week 14
Returned - Josh
HoH - Josh
Nom - Gary & Matt
Veto - Tyler (Used on Matt)
Nom - Gary & Jack
Evict - Jack (11-1)

Week 15
HoH - Jacob
Nom - Lind & Matt
Veto - Gary (Used on Matt)
Nom - Lind & Jen
Evict - Lind (9-2)

week 16
HoH - Ryan
Nom - Kiren & Matt
Veto - Ryan (Didn't use)
Evict - Matt (10-0)

Week 17
HoH - Jen
Nom - Curtis & Joe
Veto - Josh (Used on Curtis)
Nom - Stephen & Joe
Evict - Joe (5-4)

Week 18
HoH - Curtis
Nom - Jen & Kiren
Veto - Karim (Didn't use)
Evict - Jen (7-1)

TWIST - Diamond Power of Veto (Winner of the POV comp can take someone off AND name the replacement nom)

Week 19
HoH - Tyler
Nom - Stephen & Karim
Veto - Jacob (Used on Stephen)
Nom - Gary & Karim
Evict - Gary (6-1)

TWIST - Double eviction week (3 nominees, 2 evicted)

Week 20
HoH - Stephen
Nom - Curtis, Kiren, & Mike
Veto - Curtis (Used on self)
Nom - Tyler, Kiren & Mike
Evict - Tyler, Mike (3-2-0)

Week 21
HoH - Kiren
Nom - Ryan & Karim
Veto - Ryan (Used on self)
Nom - Stephen & Karim
Evict - Stephen (3-1)

Week 22
HoH - Josh
Nom - Ryan & Karim
Veto - Josh (Used on Ryan)
Nom - Curtis & Karim
Evict - Karim (2-1)

Week 23
HoH - Ryan
Nom - Josh & Curtis
Veto - Curtis (Used on self)
Nom - Josh & Jacob
Evict - Josh (2-0)

Week 24
HoH - Kiren
Nom - Ryan & Jacob
Veto - Curtis (Didn't use)
Evict - Jacob (1-0)

Week 25
HoH Part One - Ryan
HoH Part Two - Kiren
HoH Part Three - Kiren
Nom - Curtis & Ryan
Evict - Ryan (1-0)

Week 26
Finals - Kiren & Curtis
Winner - Kiren (10-3)
RunnerUp - Curtis
Most HoHs: Kiren / Ryan (4)
Most Post-Veto Noms: Kiren / Karim (5)
Most Vetos: Jack (4)


LOVES being evicted 17-1.
Sent by Danger,Aug 16, 2012
Sent by JoePawsh,Aug 16, 2012
Why didn't Karim stayed!
Week 22
HoH - Josh
Nom - Ryan & Karim
Veto - Josh (Used on Karim)
Nom - Curtis & Karim
Evict - Karim (2-1)
Sent by Party,Aug 16, 2012
Fixed it. Shoulda said Used on Ryan, my bad.
Sent by NiceCote,Aug 16, 2012
oh no.
Sent by stoner_,Aug 16, 2012
Sent by BengalBoy,Aug 16, 2012
Sent by 2cool4school,Aug 16, 2012

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