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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Aug 20, 2012 by NebraskaJones
imageWe  were friends once... And played in multiple games with eachother before I left Tengaged, then came back. I saw your top 10 worst tengaged players. You are the biggest asshole in the world to me now. Our friendship is over and I now consider you to be the worst player on Tengaged. No matter how many negs I get for this, not matter how much hate mail. First of all you aren't even in a position to be mentioning the 10 worst players on Tengaged... I was not in that post personally. But I don't think you know ANY of those people in real life, even IN the game well. Whether any of those things about them were true, you have no right to humiliate them. You would be so upset if someone did that to you. Making rude horrible comments about you. It's ridiculous that it's 2012 and people STILL have to cyber bully because they have nothing else to do in their REAL lives. Did you stop and think that maybe a few on there have NEVER done ANYTHING mean to ANYONE nor yourself for you to post that shit about them? That maybe they take it personally when you call someone a pedophile, or a man if they are actually a woman. It's just bullying. It's hurtful. NO one deserves that not even the meanest person on here, which as of now I consider you to be. I think they deserve an apology for such cheap shots at them. Especially #5, #10... I don't know them/know them well, but they didn't even deserve that shit. Completely ridiculous! I am so ashamed of people now a days. Hurt, hurt and more hurt is all you guys do for entertainment. Stop it. Be friends. Emotional stress isn't good for anyone, and cyber bullying is serious. You EVER pull some shit like that again on this website, I don't care how much of a pussy/baby it makes me look like. I will call your ass out again, and report it. No one deserves that shit; Anyways, that's all I have to say. Grow up guys, stop acting like children.


Aw :(
Sent by Megan,Aug 20, 2012
I think you're overreacting a little bit, as people mailed him who they wanted to see on the list and people do this kind of shit all the time so I wouldn't flip a bitch on him like this
Sent by Steel,Aug 20, 2012

It doesn't matter, it doesn't mean he should post it. I also mentioned it's not JUST about him, it's about everyone who does this. It's Ridiculous. If I am over reacting for sticking up for people who don't need to be bullied, than I am honored to!
Sent by NebraskaJones,Aug 20, 2012
I saw them and most of it were jokes anyway :/ you mentioned 5 and if you read it it said the guy on there wanted that to be posted about him, and then for 10... it's just bbdamian...
Sent by Steel,Aug 20, 2012
Megan said she wanted it post about herself? Really... that's funny because I am pretty sure she doesn't.
Sent by NebraskaJones,Aug 20, 2012
that's number 5
*awks as you're in my frat lmao*
Sent by Steel,Aug 20, 2012
05. Megan
Why she is the worst?: She went from the most respected alliance on the site (Night Crew) to the least respected (The Actives), being taken seriously as a 22 college student, to being a common punchline as a alleged 12 year old bunny obsessed boy. How did she go from the top of the heap, to the bottom of the barrel? Who knows. FUcking up her legacy makes her #5 on our list!

Most definitely not funny, nor did she ask for this to be posted.
Sent by NebraskaJones,Aug 20, 2012
It's not awkward... I am just saying no one deserves to be bullied. It wasn't funny. They were cheap jabs. Same frat or different frat I still keep to what I am saying.
Sent by NebraskaJones,Aug 20, 2012
Are we looking at the same blog lmao? this is what i see
The #5 spot goes to...

He is a loser, fails on all the games, is a prick, and has nothing good to say. Plus he wanted to be on the list and for me to say that.
Sent by Steel,Aug 20, 2012
Idk I didn't really see it as bullying just as a joking around kind of thing.
Sent by Steel,Aug 20, 2012
LAquanda re posted it... that's where I got it from. She said Kpnna posted it. I only find it bullying if someone doesn't want it there.
Sent by NebraskaJones,Aug 20, 2012
I will re blog an apology to him but I honestly mean every word I say about it in general!
Sent by NebraskaJones,Aug 20, 2012
Okee dokee
Sent by Steel,Aug 20, 2012

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