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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Total Drama Big Brother Week 5 (VOTE OUT A FINAL NOM :))

Nov 27, 2013 by Mortality

Last week, Izzy won head of household collect over 200 coins!
On the chopping block are Duncan and Beth after she chose not to use the PoV she won.
The houseguests vote....

Heather: Duncan
Owen: Duncan
Cody: Beth
Noah: Beth
Trent: Beth
Tyler: Duncan
Lindsay: Duncan
LeShawna: Beth
The vote is revealed.

By a vote of 4-4, Izzy breaks the tie. Duncan is the fourth houseguest evicted.Close to the jury.

The final ten arrive outside to see various boxes.

In each box there is a prize. It could be real, it could be fake. There are eight boxes so each must be claimed. If a box remains unclaimed, Izzy will spin a wheel to see who gets the box.

Box 1:Mystery(Real): Claimed by LeShawna. Her prize will be revealed right after PoV competition.
Box 2: Never Not Pass(Real): Claimed by Heather.
Box 3: Immunity this week. (Fake): Claimed by Tyler. It is opened and Tyler wins nothing.
Box 4: New Clothes(Real): Claimed by Noah
Box 5: PoV Pass(Real): Claimed by Beth. If she remains unnominated, she will be granted automatically into the pov.
Box 6: $5,000.(Fake): Claimed by Trent. He wins nothing.
Box 7: $20,00(Real): Claimed by Owen.
Cody and Lindsay remain. Whoever claims the next box will lose the HoH title.
Box 8: DPOV(Fake): It remains unclaimed, so the spinner decides that Lindsay is the new HoH!
Cody opens it and receives nothing.

Leshawna is told earlier than expected that she wins a coup de tat!

Lindsay talks to Tyler, and decide that the best move is Izzy and Trent.

Lindsay nominates Izzy and Trent.

PoV Picking: Beth is automatically in the PoV competition, so Lindsay will not pull a chip. Izzy pulls out Owen's chip, and Trent pulls Heather's chip.

PoV Players: Lindsay, Izzy, Trent, Beth, Owen, and Heather.

PoV Comp Winner: Izzy outlasts Trent and Heather in the f3 of the competition to win the PoV!

Lindsay must name a renominee. She puts up Cody.

LeShawna startles everyone. She uses the coup de tat to save Cody! She names Heather as the replacement. She uses it to save Trent! She decides to nominate Tyler.

The final nominations are Heather and Tyler because of LeShawna!


Sent by survivornerd,Nov 27, 2013

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