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MexXNateXxMe's Blog

Posts 130 posts

The Final 10 Aug 19, 2010
WOO! Hoo! I made it to the Final 10. I am so excited right now. I hope I make it far and get loads of money. LOL. : ) This is so much fun!
Points: 0 1 comments
The South Brother Aug 17, 2010
imageThe risk of them being broken up has brought them closer in the game. But too bad one of them might be going home. So who will it be Danielle or Andrew. Find out tomorrow on THE SOUTH BROTHER!
Points: 3 1 comments
Big Brother 12 Prediction Aug 17, 2010
-Ragan is voted out because he was put up on the block with a "Brigade" Member
-Brendan is voted off because he is hated by the house
-Kathy is voted out because she is just useless in the game
-Britney is voted out because it is just her and the "brigade" members left
-Enzo is out because "The Brigade thought he was annoying
-Matt is voted out because he didn't live up to his hame in the "brigade".
-Hayden gets second place
-Lane gets first place
Points: 4 2 comments
Big Brother 12 Prediction #2 Aug 17, 2010
-Kathy is eliminated because Matt uses the Diamond Power of Veto and replaces hiself with her. Which leaves her and Lane on the block.
-Brendan is eliminated because everyone is mad at him for his girlfriend's rude behaviour towards Ragan.
-Enzo is eliminated because Britney wins HOH and decides to put up Enzo and Hayden.
-Britney is eliminated because of her massive impact to get one of the Brigade members out of the house.
-Ragan is eliminated because it is only left with the three remaining Brigade members.
-Matt is eliminated because has not truly lived up to his name in the Brigade alliance.
-Hayden gets second place because he is not favored over Lane by the eliminated houseguests.
-Lane wins because he has made a bunch of friends through out the game and his stories made everyone laugh.
Points: 24 3 comments