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716 Meowtivation Diaries

Posts 3112 posts

Alexandria should win ANTM Apr 15, 2011
imageOh hell naw don't give me that WTF look
its she is being real and shes really high fashion girl!
and don't gave me that she is rude and a bitch she is the best bitch in the game for real! Americast next top model is not a personality contest its a modeling contest.....people dont watch antm to see foodie two shoes model smiling like a covergirl while sipping teas and kissing andre leon talley dreckitudeness coat of underlying greatness.......
-bitch figthing over a granola bar
-bitch fainting while judging
-jade bitching that this is americast next top model not AMERICAST NEXT TOP BESTFRIEND
-Angelea and her "please bitch look"
and ofcourse ....this....

oh wait wrong one

but anyway its the same exact thing.....
anyway alexandria better take home that crown!!!!!!!
BItch FTW!!!!!!!
Btw thanks for raygan for my new blog pic!yay!
Points: 12 3 comments
What kind of blogger are you? Apr 14, 2011
Find out now.....
Points: 0 0 comments
Take my quiz Apr 14, 2011
only 3 no brainer questions :)
Points: 14 1 comments
imageThis is an almost accurate test of what kind of blogger are you base on your answers and the given predicament of its nature.
I am a Profiler....meaning every pull of your hair , raises your eyebrows and tender details of your body language can be express in a matter for interogational purposes.
Don't ask .... me weird ...anyway here we go

Question 1
What do you blog about ?
a.Anything cool....but you'll always sense in my blog it's me
b.things i wanna let a girl we are supposed to talk about our feelings without being judge...'s just like a relationship beetween a celebrity and his or her twitter....being relevant is everything.
d.I just keep it real ...straight forward....coz i am me
e.anything ....everything....ohhh a squirl im gonna blog about that.
f.Plz play my game ....plz vote for me .....normally if you see my blog count its like a long list of informercials ....

Question no. 2
How many times do you often blog.....?
a.IDK all i know is when i blog....i got plussed,gotta love having the fame :) xoxo
b.depends on my mood.
c.I gotta blog coz people wait for it .
d.Just as long as its appropriate.
e.As long as i want to ...its just when i blog its kinda like a really orgasmic intertwining experience that set my emotional hotness.
f.As long as im advertising something

Last question
Pick an item
c.A feathered Pen
d.Mcdonald's all you can eat gift card


Mostly A's
-Embodying the spirit of being awesome in a world of blog coz apparently people LOVES you ....and you gotta live the part and stay on top and still staying true to yourself for the sake of your loyal fans....(e.g etienne,master zeenon)

Mostly B's
Blogger Babes
Stiletos and make ups crossed with poise and elegance.....professor utonium may have created a powerpuff girls ....and tyra banks may havent created a true top model yet....but your legacy of femininity in tengaged cannot be denied...and as they say beauty is definitely in the eye of the blogger....(e.g zurks,chicaaa)

Mostly C's
Character Bloggers
With the ability to still keep there mind in check of whats reality and whats fiction....character bloggers are smart and witty....if you bite in there jokes your dead ....if you cant get it dont try ....its bad for your brain cells....some people say it's just pityful impersonation...but they wont get that it's just art imitating it's finest ofcourse...(e.g Gurlbai,Montyburns)

Mostly D's
Society Bloggers
Bloggers that always keep it real....I mean you can really get nothin out of lying to a hundred pixels in this site so why confucious one says a stupid blogger follow everybody else opinion but a wise blogger make his or her own decisions.
(e.g dav_0_79 , Dc Sooner)

Mostly E's
Blog whores
You maybe a bitch but damn it youre the best bitch in town ....its like your beyonce of destinys child your nicole of the pussycat dolls your rebecca black at her finest friday partying form and no neggers haters can stop you from fullfilling your destiny of blogwhoring!your the alphablogger damn it ....and till your last moan in your existence you'll still blog...why? because you can!

Mostly F's
Copy and work hard for the money....donald trump should hire you and the maker of the internet should adopt you .....spam in the morning? the afternoon? why  the night ? its a all spam diet buffet ....It's business baby ....tengageder should be used to it .

there is one more type of blogger i didnt put
the neggers/haters crusaders
i just suggest go to the nearest wallmart and buy a life ....
kbye ttyn
Points: 134 15 comments
Do you guys remember this Apr 13, 2011
imagei accidentally watch it yesterday
hahahaha it brought me to tears
i can really relate with the bring honor to the family thingy
its really important for asian people ....
not like in america thatwhen you grow old you just cut ties and burn bridges .....
with like us you will carry your family name till the day you die
only two path one honorable and one disgraceable
but fo real
ill do anything to get a part if disney ever have there own first gay prince animation series
"who is that gay i see staring straight back at me....
just sayin lol
Points: 17 3 comments
All you people look at me Apr 13, 2011
like im a little gay....
well did you ever think it will be ok for me to except into your world

i love the drama in this blogs nowawadays about the eye and shop and the hitlist thingy ....
keep it comin
*gets popcorn
Points: 33 3 comments