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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 19 - Power Rankings Week 3 Part 2

Jul 23, 2017 by Marcshawn
image8. Elena - Considered a major competitor. Christmas and Kevin are onto you. Will align with Paul more after Mark leaves, but will it be enough with Cody/Jess/Ramses gone? Unless she wins an HOH and aligns with Alex, they're both screwed. Wrong move this week trying to re-align with Cody/Jess this week and throwing the 3rd HOH to Alex. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. On the other hand, superior social game. Strong competitor. Has potential to go far.

7. & 6. Matt/Raven - Not aligned properly yet. May be too late unless they win HOH soon and nominated Josh/Mark & make a major gamemove. Otherwise, the other 5 will part ways and evict both of you into jury with your showmance on double eviction night. The showmance makes you a bigger target. If one leaves before the other, the other will make it even farther. I would say they both have great positions in this house and thats why they are 6 & 7, but beware on d.e. nights. Expendable.

5. Kevin - Great position in the house as long as his secret is safe with Paul and Cody. He is no longer in F3 because he told Cody he voted for him to stay. Alex and Jason are onto him. Christmas and Paul will throw him under the bus sooner than later. Not a great competitor. He is like the "Victoria" of the season. Will be by Paul and Jason most of the game. Don't know how far it will take him. Don't know if he will even make it this far depending how this week goes. He may be on the chopping block next week because of this.  Horrible mistake, Kevin.

4. Christmas - Many are onto her, but she gets the sympathy card because of her foot. However, even with a broken foot she is an exceptionally strong competitor, strong strong strong social player, but I see Jason back-dooring her.

---- Final 3 - Alex, Paul, Jason ----
Alex wins, she takes Jason.
Jason wins, he takes Alex.
Paul wins, he takes Alex.

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