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The MadisonViolet312's blog

Posts 72 posts

Join Slothy's drag race Nov 23, 2018
Points: 0 2 comments
Madison's Drag Race Episode 4 (1/2) Nov 18, 2018
1. KweenKandy ( iicreazyGX)
2. Reley Gode ( alex1234610)
3. Glinda Shimmerland ( hyperdude13)
4. Taurianna ( pinkiepie512)
5. Miracle Monroe ( macda27)
6. Aurora Belarachy ( rubes)
7. Maxine Fusée ( maxi1234)
8. Gumdrop Gemma ( sharonmaitems)
9. Ella ganza ( fromawindow)
10. Davina ( winner132)
11. Tammy ( logie56)
12. Lindsay Blowhim ( limabean)
13. Madison Purple ( TR1364)
14. Della black ( delete2544)

Episode overview:
Episode 2:
High: Miracle and Della
Won: Taurianna
Low: Ella
Btm 2: Reley and Tammy
Eliminated: Tammy

Episode 3:
High: Miracle and Madison
Won: Maxine
Low: Glinda
Btm 2: Della and Gumdrop
Eliminated: Della

Sorry for the late post, I took a tiny break but I'll be back on daily episodes (hopefully)

The queens walk into the work room after Della's elimination

Gumdrop: that was exhausting!

Ella: how was it lip syncing?

Gumdrop: it was honestly terrifying! Part of me said that Della deserved to be here more than me but I had to do what I do best and that's performing.

Madison: Maxine, congrats on your win

Maxine: thank you, and Miracle this is your second time high in a row, how do you feel?

Miracle: well, I'm ok with high but I'm just gonna have to work even harder for a win. And no offense to anyone, but I wanna win, and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to win.

Glinda: I could say the same, and I'm not sad that Della got eliminated, she was a threat and she didn't talk much

Davina: I'm glad Maxine won.

MADDY walks into the room as the queens finish talking.

MADDY: Helluuuuuuuu. This episode is gonna be the craziest yet, you know why? Well, a big twist is gonna be unleashed! You guys will be split into 2 different werkrooms but here's the twist...

Tonight these two werkrooms will be judged As if it was different episodes, so that means today there will be two winners and two queens will be leaving tonight!!!

You guys are probaly wondering what the teams are our? Here they are...

Team 1:

Team 2:

First let's start off with team 1's challange:

Team 1 queens walk onto the stage for practice were they learn that they will have to convince a live audience to buy there mystery product. And the challange? The queens won't know the object until there on the stage live

Team 1 challange:

The queens walk onto stage and the audience claps

Taurianna: hello, how is everyone doing? Today we will be selling you...

Aurora opens the box to reveal a tomahawk

Taurianna: oh, wow, b*tch if you wanna snatch someone's weave might as well snatch there head as well

The audience chuckles

Gumdrop nudges Taurianna in the shoulder

Gumdrop: ok, for all you hunters this is the best tomahawk to hunt with and super Strong

Lindsay: wow... What a sharp... Knife? Sorry I don't really hunt, the closest to nature I got to was jumping in the bush from the police.

The audience laughs

Lindsay: now let's test this tomahawk on our least favorite Queen here... Kween

Kween: thank you Lindsay, this tomahawk is so...

Kween freezes up

Aurora: is so sickening! Am I right? Or am I left? Haha so I heard that tomahawks are the new way to cut your pubes... Well... Now I'm an actual women

The audience bursts into laughter

Madison: ok, if you liked our performance my name is Madison and if you hated it... It's Glinda. Goodnight everyone.

Team 2:

Hello I'm miracle, I'm classy, I'm sassy, and I got a whole lot of Assy

Miracle rips off the cover off the box and reveals a tea kettle

Maxine: that's where all the tea was, I've been looking for it, hey, Davian, want some tea?

Davina: Yas! I'm thirsty!

Maxine throws the kettle at Davina

Maxine: her b*tch, it's your problem now.

Davina: I love te-

Glinda: moving on! I'm Glinda Shimmerland and what's your favorite tea? Mines the... Uhm... Strawberry

Ella: HELLO, I'm E-L-L-A GAAANNNZZZAAA and you gotta buy this hot piping tea, legend says Kim is cheating on Kanye... Wanna know more? Buy this tea and you will know this tea only 69.69$

Reley: ok every one but our tea... Uhm *whispers to Davina* what now.

Davina grabs the mic from Reley after 2 minutes

Davina: ok everyone have a good night!

that ends episode 4 part 1/2 I'll release part 2 tomorrow

Also please mail me... Who do you think deserves to go home and why this episode?

Only mail me the person that's in your group
Points: 11 2 comments
Can someone please gift me Nov 18, 2018
I don't have any gifts :( I will actually love you if you gift me :)
Points: 2 0 comments
Madison's Drag Race Episode 3 Nov 14, 2018
1. KweenKandy ( iicreazyGX)
2. Reley Gode ( alex1234610)
3. Glinda Shimmerland ( hyperdude13)
4. Taurianna ( pinkiepie512)
5. Miracle Monroe ( macda27)
6. Aurora Belarachy ( rubes)
7. Maxine Fusée ( maxi1234)
8. Gumdrop Gemma ( sharonmaitems)
9. Ella ganza ( fromawindow)
10. Davina ( winner132)
11. Tammy ( logie56)
12. Lindsay Blowhim ( limabean)
13. Madison Purple ( TR1364)
14. Della black ( delete2544)

Episode Overview:
Episode 2:
High: Della and miracle
Won: Taurianna
Low: Ella
Btm 2: Reley and Tammy
Eliminated: Tammy

The queens walk into the work room exhausted from last episode

Taurianna: that was crazy!

Glinda: congrats on your win... I guess, I think I should have been in top 3, instead of you Taurianna, my dress was elegant.

Ella: I was surprised I was low because I thought I was creative.

Madison: well queen, you're gonna have to step it up if you wanna impress the judges

Taurianna: I'm excited by my advantage! I got to make the teams!

Gumdrop: there probaly gonna be unfair haha

MADDY walks in to the room surprising the queens.

MADDY: helloooo! My queens! Your all probaly wondering what challange you guys will be doing, well... You all will be participating in a cheerleading musical!! Taurianna has made the teams and here they are...

Team 1:

Team 2:

The queens get into there groups and begin to practice

Some queens are struggling with being flexible and some can't get there words down.

How will it go? Well were about to figure out!

Team 1:

Team 1 starts in a line as they all say there catchphrases. Taurianna does a cartwheel across the stage and accidently bumps into Della

Della stumbles a bit but gains balance.

Miracle and Kween lift Della into the air but Della seems to be somewhat upset

Madison does a jump split and miracle Kween carries her off

The queens all line up and say there lines but Della messes up her lines a lot

The queens finish off with a Feirce pose!

Team 2:

Ella begins off jumping over auroras head

Gumdrop does a death drop but hurts her ankle

Reley and gumdrop raise Maxine in the air but gumdrop drops Maxine because of her hurt ankle

Maxine falls to the floor but she quickly jumps up into a split
Glinda and aurora do cartwheels but Glinda forgets all of here lines and messes up here cartwheel

The queens finish with a Feirce pose


The queens walk down the runway in there black and white dresses (your dress will only be described if you are chosen for critiques)

MADDY: that was wonderful! But tonight you will be critiqued.... Individualy

If I call your name please step forward...







You all....

Represent the tops and the bottoms of the episode.

The rest of you are safe

Ok let's start critiques starting with...

Miracle, outfit: I black in white body suit with horns and the wig travels along the wig, and at the middle of the runway big black wings fly out.

You didn't really stand out in the challange but this runway was so gag worthy! Probaly the best outfit out here. So creative

Next! Maxine! Outfit: a half black and white bunny outfit with a mask inspired by Ariana grande

Ok, this outfit is really cute and in the challange you stayed in character the entire time! When things went wrong you turned it around and slayed the competition.

Next! Gumdrop! Outfit: a black gown with a white hemstones

This outfit is a meh and in the challange you were the worst! I understand how you hurt your ankle but queen...

Next! Glinda! Outfit: a  huge black and white fur suit with a white boa

This outfit is wonderful and so is the makeup but in the challange you were a flop, you forgot basically all your lines and I understand you aren't flexible but you didn't even try!

Next! Della! Outfit: a black and white magician outfit

The outfit is cute and creative but you seemed like you didn't even want to be in this challange why?

Della: well, I don't wanna throw anyone under the bus but... I feel like taurrianna was a bad team captain. She was very bossy and wouldn't even let me speak

Taurianna: you chose your roll Della, I don't feel like I was bossy and if you felt that way I'm sorry

Della: just try to be a better captain, ok sweetie.

Next! Madison! Outfit: a black and white gown with black and white roses with black and white makeup with a sia wig

This look is amazing! And in the challange you were so enjoyable to watch you looked like you were so happy! And you were just amazing!

OK SILENCE! I've made my decision

Miracle, your outfit was amazing, but your cheerleading seemed kinda lazy...

Your safe, you did amazing a 2nd high in a row

Madison, you were overall amazing and a step up from last episode,

Your safe

Maxine, your cheer made us all cheer for you,

Congratulations Maxine, your the winner of this episode challange and will receive an advantage next episode

Della, your attitude was very moopy and your cheer was also poopy,

I'm sorry my queen but you will be lip syncing tonight

Glinda, your outfit was a toot but your cheer was a boot,

Your safe, and you better step your game up.

That means I'm sorry gumdrop but you will be lip syncing

You guys will be lip syncing to Tik Tok by Kesha

Gumdrop and Della Ste to the middle of the stage


Gumdrop drops with strutting around the stage feeling herself

Della stands in one spot

Gumdrop drops into a death drop as the beat drops and quickly gets up and starts acting sexy

Della continues to stand in one spot moving her mouth randomly

Taurianna: O M G! she doesn't know the words!

Gumdrops slides down to a squat and then waving her arms in the air she lip syncs perfectly

Aurora: Yas! Queen slay!

The song ends as gumdrop poses In a sexy pose

The audience clap

Ok, I made my decision....

Gumdrop, shantay you stay

Gumdrop says thx and Ali's to the back of the stage not hugging Della

Della, I had lots of confidence in you, but tonight you did not show confidence, now shashay away.

Della walks away ignoring all the queens

End of episode 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ok the theme for next episodes runway is... 90's disco party

And for Maxine's advantage I'll mail you later the details

Sorry for the late post episode 4 will be released around tomorrow late night

GL my queens in the next episode

Also please mail me the details of the dress or you can send me an image
Points: 45 3 comments
Madison's drag race UPDATE Nov 13, 2018
As I was writing this episode my laptop died and it was all lost. And I'm super busy as of right now. So episode 3 will be postponed to tomorrow 6:00 est. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you all can understand. <3

1. KweenKandy ( iicreazyGX)
2. Reley Gode ( alex1234610)
3. Glinda Shimmerland ( hyperdude13)
4. Taurianna ( pinkiepie512)
5. Miracle Monroe ( macda27)
6. Aurora Belarachy ( rubes)
7. Maxine Fusée ( maxi1234)
8. Gumdrop Gemma ( sharonmaitems)
9. Ella ganza ( fromawindow)
10. Davina ( winner132)
11. Tammy ( logie56)
12. Lindsay Blowhim ( limabean)
13. Madison Purple ( TR1364)
14. Della black ( delete2544)
Points: 31 1 comments
Madison's drag race Episode 2 Nov 12, 2018
1. KweenKandy ( iicreazyGX)
2. Reley Gode ( alex1234610)
3. Glinda Shimmerland ( hyperdude13)
4. Taurianna ( pinkiepie512)
5. Miracle Monroe ( macda27)
6. Aurora Belarachy ( rubes)
7. Maxine Fusée ( maxi1234)
8. Gumdrop Gemma ( sharonmaitems)
9. Ella ganza ( fromawindow)
10. Davina ( winner132)
11. Tammy ( logie56)
12. Lindsay Blowhim ( limabean)
13. Madison Purple ( TR1364)
14. Della black ( delete2544)

The tv turns off as the queens stare at eachother

Della: oooh, this first challange sounds cool.

Maxine: I guess we're are gonna have to come up with animals to be

All the queens separate to there work station and start to plan. Davina and Maxine walk to the corner and start to discuss.

Maxine: wouldn't it be cool if we sorta did matching animals

Davina: I'm listening?

Maxine: what if We both did flamingo sisters?

Davina: sound like a plan

On the other side of the room some queens have all ready started to do there makeup

taurianna: that's a lot of frost makeup miracle

Miracle: yah, I'm doing a white snow leopard, what about you?

Taurianna: I'm doing a horse, and I'm adding a Native American twist!

Miracle: sounds... Interesting

All the queens look at Ella ganza as she begins to apply monster and green makeup.

Gumdrop: uhm... What are you supposed to be?

Ella ganza: a gremlin 25 years later

Gumdrop: I guess that's... Creative?

All the queens finish up there makeup and outfits


1. KweenKandy: a slutty bunny
2. Reley Gode: dog
3. Glinda Shimmerland: a angel bird
4. Taurianna: Native American styled horse
5. Miracle Monroe: snow leopard
6. Aurora Belarachy: panda
7. Maxine Fusée: flamingo
8. Gumdrop Gemma: peacock
9. Ella ganza: gremlin 25 years later
10. Davina: flamingo
11. Tammy: sheep
12. Lindsay Blowhim: brown cow (stunning)
13. Madison Purple: lion
14. Della black: raven

Ok here's how runways work, your dress will be described in detail only if called for critiques and the bottom 2 will be decided by but I will make a little lip sync story

So, if I call your name please step forward


You all....

Are safe, please step to the back of the stage. And now critiques starting with Reley Gode

Reley Gode runway: a crop top with short booty shorts with a long blue wig and a snapchat dog filter.

Ok, Reley, this outfit is "reley" cute haha but.... It's super basic. This looks like you could by it in the clearance section at Walmart. If you survive this week you need to bring it!

Next! Taurriana

Tauriannas outfit: brown fur glued to a body suit made of horse hide and a Native American head piece

Ok taurianna, this runway is perfect, your outfit matches perfect and we like that you added a culture into it. Perfect!

Next! Miracle

Miracles outfit: a white furry coat with a happy and black spotted dots.

Miracle, your makeup is to die for! It fit the theme really well and the outfit makes you look a million bucks! Great job!

Next! Ella ganza!

Ella's outfit: a green painted body suit and a gremlin face mask with makeup on it.

Ok... Ella, I feel you made a mistake on painting the bodysuit, it looks messy and very confusing, also it doesn't match the challange sorry.


Tammy! Outfit: this outfit is cute but, I could see a bunch of places were you taped and overall it looks messy and looks like a arts and craft a mom would make.


Della black! Outfit: a dark furry outfit made of black feathers and a prop of a fake bird in a cage

Della, I love that you added props! And your make up is so scary, but In a good way. Great job

Ok, SILENCE! I've made my decision

Della, your attitude is very moopy, but tonight your outfit was very spooky!...

You're safe

Taurianna, your outfit was very gag worthy, and worth it, it was...

Condragulations taurrianna your the winner of this weeks challange and will receive an advantage next episode.

Miracle, you did an amazing job, your safe

And now for the bottom queens

Reley, your outfit was very cute, but it was also a boot...

I'm sorry my queen but you are in the bottom 2

That leaves tammy and Ella, ella, you took a risk but did pay out? Tammy, your outfit was messy, but was it good enough? ...

Ella... Your safe, please step to the back of the stage.

And that means Tammy I'm sorry but you will be lip syncing for YOUR Life!!! And tonight you will be lip syncing to... Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus!

Tammy and Reley stand on the stage as the music begins...

Tammy immediately starts to walk across the stage showing high emotion!
While Reley goes for an upbeat lip sync

Lindsay: if I were Reley, I'd be worried, Tammy is bringing every emotion!

Reley starts to include more movement while Tammy walks to the back of the stage

As the beat drops Reley drops into a split

Aurora: Yas Reley! Slay!

Tammy stands in one spot lip syncing and knowing every word!

Reley skips across the stage with her hands in the air

Davina: this is gonna be a close one!

Tammy ends the song with punch into the air.

The audience clap as the song finishes

That was a killer performance, both of you, but unfortunately one has to go

Reley Gode.... Your safe

That means that I'm sorry Tammy but you have been eliminated, it's hard to see you go as a first, now shashay away <3. Reley hugs Tammy as she exits

Tammy: well I tried my best!

~~~~~~~~~~~~end of episode 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For next challange taurrianna aka pinkie pie will have to split the queens into two teams with one team having an extra memebers so pinkie pie mail me

Next weeks runway is BLACK AND WHITE so queens, mail me the details of your dress and GL

Points: 61 10 comments