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Posts 27 posts

Has Bowler Left? =( Dec 19, 2008
i was just flicking through the hall of fame and decided to take a look at the top player "bowler23" when i saw he hadnt been on for 3 DAYS!
now to me that looks as if hes on the verge of leaving.
has he left already?
can u answer my question please if anyone know the answer?
x o x o x
Points: 133 18 comments
Who would you go Gay/Lezbian for? =D Dec 15, 2008
this blog is all about my game at the moment!
we were all saying who we would go gay for =D
so please vote and say who
you would go gay for ;)
o x o x o
Points: 77 35 comments
ITS ALL KICKING OFF!!!!! Dec 14, 2008
in stars there seems to be fighting goin already!!!!!
it hasnt even been a day
and 5 fights have happened already!!! everyone is at eachtohers throats already!!!!
the fights were.....
JamesM vs dinaalin
tyleror vs everyone
jenna vs everyone
dinaalin vs william94
dinaalin vs halio88 =O so many in so little time =D
if you want to see it in person go to the game
and watch it live!!
trust its worth doing =D
Points: 52 49 comments
For Rockgoddess + William =D Dec 13, 2008
this is blog is just for you 2 ;)
i made this blog because you told me to
and advised me to =)
so i did!
so if anyone wants to ask "why?"
i have given you my answer :D LOL

they said that "you should make a blog for backup just incase"
so i have made it and it was all rockgoddess's and william's idea!
thnx guys !
luv u ;)
o x o x o
Points: 30 12 comments
Jury! Nov 28, 2008
when is the jury coming for rookies??????
if anyone know then please comment because i have heard
rumours that its coming but i dont know when!
also raandomize if u get this could you please post a comment stating
when it will start!
Thnx :)
Points: 109 13 comments
Sorry! :) Nov 24, 2008
if any of you were worried ( and none of you were i bet or you didnt notice :P) i havent been on for the last day and a half because my nan has just died! :(
i know its stupid posting it on a blog but i just wanted to let you know that im now back! :D
and ready to get into a rookies game once im ready! :D
x o x o x
Points: 83 12 comments