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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Boredom.....and DRAMA!!!

Aug 27, 2010 by KyuubinRuzumaki
imageOMG!!! AH AM SOOOO BORED!!!! (hyper whooo!!)
well yeah...i want chocolate.....O.o OMG!!! CHOCOLATE!!!

Two ppl on my 3rd Game 2 ppl are fighting over how stupid one person is and that he needs to treat ppl better....and as far as i am concerned its sorta about how one of them treats one of my friens.....and anyways!!! its been going on for THE WHOLE DAY!!!

of course my friend LOVES it cause he's all for drama *rolls eyes*
*sigh* well its alright..but it gets BORING!!!

yeah...and my second game is like, a standstill.....its NOT FREAKIN GOIN ANYWHERE!!! AND IM BORED!!!! T^T


Woot! Drama =DD lol
Sent by schmooboy,Aug 27, 2010
Sent by adro,Aug 27, 2010
I hope I never have to put up with that garbage!
Sent by AlbertHodges,Aug 27, 2010

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