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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jul 1, 2015 by Kaseyhope101
Week #1:
Arizona says something rude while having a conversation, making April uncomfortable. Due to the stress the comment gave her, April isolates herself from everyone else, making Callie, and everyone else uncomfortable.
Heads of Household: Callie and Da'Vonne
Nominees: April and Candice (Callie) and Danielle and Cristina (Da'Vonne)
Callie DR - This was needed. April gots to go.
Battle of the Block Winners: Danielle and Cristina
Veto Players: Callie, April, Candice, Becky, Da'Vonne, and Miranda
Power of Veto Winner: Miranda
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: April and Candice
Evicted: April [13-0]

Week #2:
Da'Vonne wasn't strong enough, and is so. Fucking. Done. If that wasn't enough, Helen is a huge ass racist bitch and flips Day's bed.
Heads of Household: April and Miranda
Nominees: Cristina and Becky (April) and Helen and Addison (Miranda)
Battle of the Block Winners: Cristina and Becky
Veto Players: Miranda, Helen, Addison, Meredith, Danielle, and Becky
Power of Veto Winner: Addison
Veto Used: Yes on Addison
Replacement: Izzie
Final Nominees: Helen and Izzie
Evicted: Izzie [8-4]

Week #3:
Miranda, in defense of Day, calls out Helen for her actions, and how she deserves to go. It is not very effective. Especially not to Callie, who is playing UNO alone.
Heads of Household: Becky and Aaryn
Nominees: Da'Vonne and Arizona (Becky) and Helen and Meredith (Aaryn)
Battle of the Block Winners: Da'Vonne and Arizona
Veto Players: Aaryn, Helen, Meredith, Addison, Danielle, and Da'Vonne
Power of Veto Winner: Danielle
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Helen and Meredith
Evicted: Meredith [6-5]

Week #4:
Da'Vonne, moving away from Helen, calls out Cristina for certain actions in the house. Uneffectively.
Day DR - I used as if this house, doesn't know what's going on? Like, Cris & Helen are HUGE threats, yet all they seem to be doing, is playing games.
PAN IN ON CALLIE : Playing UNO more...
Heads of Household: April and Addison
Nominees: Cristina and Becky (April) and Da'Vonne and Jackie (Addison)
Battle of the Block Winners: Da'Vonne and Jackie
Veto Players: April, Cristina, Becky, Helen, Miranda, and Addison
Power of Veto Winner: Addison
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Cristina and Becky
Evicted: Becky [6-4]
Day DR - So. Fucking. Done.

Week #5:
Miranda cries to April... Talking about the struggles.
Addison finds Miranda creepy, since all she does is talk about "the struggles." Shading her to the other houseguests.
Heads of Household: Miranda and Arizona
Nominees: Addison and Da'Vonne (Miranda) and Jackie and Danielle (Arizona)
Battle of the Block Winners: Addison and Da'Vonne
Veto Players: Arizona, Jackie, Danielle, Aaryn, Addison, and Callie
Power of Veto Winner: Aaryn
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Jackie and Danielle
Evicted: Jackie [5-4]

Week #6:
Helen & Miranda ALL. OUT. BRAWL and fight.
Candice & Addison cry together, bonding, protecting each other.
Heads of Household: Helen and Callie
Nominees: Miranda and Da'Vonne (Helen) and April and Aaryn (Callie)
Battle of the Block Winners: Miranda and Da'Vonne
Veto Players: Callie, April, Aaryn, Arizona, Cristina, and Miranda
Power of Veto Winner: Miranda
Veto Used: Yes on April
Replacement: Arizona
Final Nominees: Arizona and Aaryn
Evicted: Arizona [5-3]

Fast Forward:
Head of Household: Helen
Nominees: Candice and Miranda
Veto Players: Helen, Candice, Miranda, Danielle, Da'Vonne, and Callie
Power of Veto Winner: Callie
Veto Used: Yes on Candice
Replacement: Da'Vonne
Final Nominees: Da'Vonne and Miranda
Evicted: Da'Vonne [6-1]

Week #7:
Miranda borrows a necklace from Helen, and purposely breaks it, pretending it is an accident.
While Aaryn feeds B.S to the other houseguests, talking about how she needs the money.
Aaryn DR - I knew if it didn't win HOH, I'd be screwed. Last week I got lucky, I don't want luck anymore. I want security.
Heads of Household: Callie and Addison
Nominees: Aaryn and April (Callie) and Danielle and Miranda (Addison)
Battle of the Block Winners: Aaryn and April
Veto Players: Addison, Danielle, Miranda, April, Helen, and Callie
Power of Veto Winner: Callie
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Danielle and Miranda
Evicted: Miranda [3-3]

Week #8:
Aaryn tells more B.S this week to everyone.
Candice opens up to Aaryn, and they bond.
Candice DR - maybe #candiland mistook Aaryn. Bitch be cool.
Aaryn DR - I really need the money, if Candice is how that happens... Come on, girl!
Heads of Household: April and Aaryn
Nominees: Helen and Cristina (April) and Danielle and Addison (Aaryn)
Battle of the Block Winners: Danielle and Addison
Veto Players: April, Helen, Cristina, Danielle, Addison, and Callie
Power of Veto Winner: April
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Helen and Cristina
Evicted: Cristina [4-1]

Week #9:
Returning Juror: Miranda
April tries to get good love by America.
Addison praises Jesus, and America in a DR entry.
Head of Household: Addison
Nominees: Danielle and Miranda
Veto Players: Addison, Danielle, Miranda, April, Helen, and Aaryn
Power of Veto Winner: Helen
Veto Used: Yes on Miranda
Replacement: Aaryn
Final Nominees: Danielle and Aaryn
Evicted: Danielle [4-1]

Week #10:
Aaryn threatens to quit, and breakdown.
Aaryn DR - I knew if I didn't win HOH! which already was unlikely! if I got nommed first! I could NAIL POV, and stay in this house...
April pulls out a scalpel and threatens to stab Candice with it, screaming BITCH I LIKED YOU
Head of Household: Aaryn
Nominees: Addison and Helen
Veto Players: Aaryn, Addison, Helen, Candice, Miranda, and April
Power of Veto Winner: April
Veto Used: Yes on Helen
Replacement: Miranda
Final Nominees: Addison and Miranda
Evicted: Addison [3-1]

Fast Forward #2:
Head of Household: Miranda
Nominees: Helen and Aaryn
Veto Players: Miranda, Helen, Aaryn, April, Candice, and Callie
Power of Veto Winner: Callie
Veto Used: Yes on Helen
Replacement: Candice
Final Nominees: Candice and Aaryn
Evicted: Aaryn [2-1]

Week #11:
April pulls out a scalpel and threatens to stab Candice with it, screaming BITCH I LIKED YOU
Callie & April bond.
Callie DR - I misjudged April... Bitch is cray... And I like it.
Head of Household: April
Nominees: Helen and Candice
Veto Players: April, Helen, Candice, Miranda, and Callie
Power of Veto Winner: Callie
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Helen and Candice
Week Reset

Week #11 Repeat:
April improves perception with the audience by praising Jesus & America.
Head of Household: Callie
Nominees: Helen and Miranda
Veto Players: Callie, Helen, Miranda, and April
Power of Veto Winner: Callie
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Helen and Miranda
Evicted: Helen [1-1]

Week #12:
April makes up B.S about why she needs the money.
Candice & Miranda bond slightly.
Head of Household: Miranda
Nominees: Candice and Callie
Veto Players: Miranda, Candice, Callie, and April
Power of Veto Winner: Miranda
Veto Used: No
Final Nominees: Candice and Callie
Evicted: Candice [1-0]

Final HoH:
Part 1 Winner: Callie
Part 2 Winner: Miranda
Part 3 Winner: Callie
Nominees: April and Miranda
Evicted: April

Finalists: Callie and Miranda
Winner: Callie [5-4]
America's Favorite: Candice

April Kepner
Candice Stewart
Callie Torres
Miranda Bailey
Da'Vonne Rogers
Helen Kim

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