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The KaitlinAmber_'s blog

Posts 9 posts

Third Blogg! Jan 21, 2010
So im not sure why last time it put my second blogg twice, But Whatever !

    Today Imma talk about the Jonas Brothers
I do NOT llike them. 1. THEY WEAR SUCH TIGHT PANTS . 2. they actualy arent even that good looking at all ! 3. Their music sucks . 4. Nick jonas has made his way around hollywood girls wise. 5.Joe isnt hott. 6. kevin ? EW.
They shoudlnt be famous in my opinion !
What are your thoughts?

=) Voteee !
Points: 16 2 comments
Second Bloggg! Comment and vote pleasee!!!! Jan 20, 2010
So Ill Talk about music for this one !!
I have a weird taste in music, I like, ...Hip - hop and that, but then i like boy bands like marainas trench, and such. But right now my favorite song , is ur love is my drugg by kesha ! I just love it !!!!!
COMMENT , vote ! Please !!!!
Points: 13 0 comments
MY FIRST BLOGG Jan 19, 2010
Soo  ! this wuld be my veryyy first blogg !
and im not to sure what to write about, but ill tell u about , chips.
CHIPS are freaking amazing. And we all know once you have one, well....soon the hole bags gone. And basicly all flavours are good ! Its hard to be picky with chips. Ive actualy never heard of sum1 that doesnt like chips so if u have , please tell me ! haha.
Yes, im very bubly and random. Alot of times crazy, but no bigg. I keep it cool . :)
Voteee !!!!
Points: 13 1 comments