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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

JustinBible's blogBlog

  1. Big Brother Thoughts.

Big Brother Thoughts.

Aug 29, 2009 by JustinBible
Russell has now left the house. I honestly think on Jeffs part it was an extremely stupid move to trust Nathalie and Kevin. both Nathalie and Kevin have been schemeing from Day 1 and now that most of there alliance has been over thrown by Jeff's, it would almost seem appropriate that they would do anything possible (even discretly lie) to save there asses for the week until they have a chance to win HoH. In the long run I hope Nathalie and Kevin decide to turn on eachother. It would definetly make the game interesting.


Haha I like Jeff but he is sooooooooooooooo DUMB for trusting them i mean look at him now Mo oping around  the house OH WELL bye JEFF.
Sent by Cisco8709,Aug 29, 2009

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